1. Soul Seer

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"All a very interesting story, young lady." The psychic said. Her eyes, clearly blind, seemed to stare into Ashley's eyes.

"What do you mean by interesting?" Ashley asked, slightly insulted. She had just told the lady what had been troubling her, and to be met with such apathy...

"Yes yes, but you're not the one who needs help. The young man behind you, he's the reason you two are here, no?"

The young man's eyes darted to the old lady, looking shocked and confused. "What? No! We came here for Ashley, not me! There's nothing wrong with me!"

"Oh but there is, Jonah. And I'm sure you know what."

"How do you-"

"Psychic, remember?" The lady smiled a little, her eyes seemingly staring straight into Jonah's soul. An impossibility, yes, but it seemed to be that way.

"What are you talking about?" Ashley asked, looking between her friend and the psychic. "What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing is wrong, she's crazy!" Jonah muttered, looking away.

"Blind? Maybe." The psychic said. "Old, definitely. Crazy? No. I see your soul, Jonah. It is a strange thing. Layers upon layers, dark and light alike. Each so meticulously maintained, perfectly planned and set up so that the only ones that can get past them are the ones you let get past them."

Jonah didn't speak, not looking at the old lady. She took that as her cue to continue.

"The outer layer? Joy. Under that? Sadness. So much sadness, so many layers of lies and half truths. How many have you let Ashley here pass?"

Ashley was staring at Jonah now, wondering just how much truth there was behind the words the psychic was speaking. Jonah looked the psychic in the eyes, seeming to realize they weren't as blind as they might appear.

"But there's more, isn't there? A layer of void. Of nothingness, of this numb feeling you can't escape," The psychic said, her voice growing harsher. "I can see it's eating away at what little light you have left, that thin veneer of brightness covering up what's beneath."

"Shut up..." Jonah muttered. "You don't know me. You don't know anything about me."

"And inside that capsule of void?"

"Shut. Up."

"Nothing but darkness. The secrets you've buried deeper than the rest. The darkest lies, all the guilt and the misery. Hidden even from yourself is that all consuming darkness."

"I said shut up old lady!"

"That layer of void, its to protect you from contemplating the unthinkable, no? All the layers, it's to try to protect yourself from that."

Jonah gritted his teeth, studiously ignoring her now. Ashley watched him, worried. He seemed tense, trying so hard to keep up the dispassionate facade.

"What does she mean Jonah..?" Ashley asked, slowly standing. "Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"It's nothing." He said quietly.

"He doesn't want you to worry. He doesn't want you to care about him at all, actually." The psychic said, the slightest hint of sadness in her voice. "He doesn't want anyone to weep when he breaks."

Ashley looked at the psychic. "What do you mean? What isn't he telling me?"

"I see the soul, darling. Your soul is dark, yes. But his, his is a special case." The psychic's eyes seemed to settle at the spot of the chest where Jonah's heart would be. "His heart seems so fragile."

Ashley hesitated, then turned back towards Jonah. She walked up to him, almost reaching out to hold him. She could almost see what the psychic saw now. The old lady's words had taken their toll, and it was apparent now what she had meant. Jonah refused to meet her eyes, staring at the ground as he leaned against the wall on a rigid mockery of a relaxed position. His jaw was set as though he were in pain, but not willing to cry out, and his arms were crossed over his chest, his hands gripping each arm in a death grip.

"What aren't you telling me Jonah..?" She asked slowly.

"It's... nothing you should be worried about..." he whispered.

"But I am worried..."

"Well you shouldn't be." He muttered, finally looking into her eyes. "My problems, they aren't yours. They'll never be yours. You have your troubles, and I'll always help you. But my troubles, I can't pass them onto someone else."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm worthless." He said quietly. "Nobody cares. I'm a... receptacle. That's it. A receptacle for misery, a vessel for everybody's woes. Nothing more. I've accepted that. Everybody's weight, I can bear it. I've lasted this long, haven't I? I haven't broken. I've wanted to, trust me. I've wanted to die for so long that-"

He froze, realizing what he had just said. Ashley stared at, shocked, and afraid. Afraid because she hadn't seen this side of him, afraid because he had said everything in such a slow, calm manner. She felt as though that wasn't even everything, that there was still something else.

But she wouldn't find out, as he immediately turned and left, slamming the door to the room behind him. The psychic sighed, shaking her head slightly.

"You know, you should go after him. Much of the weight he bears is yours."

Ashley looked at the old lady. "You mean... I did that to him?"

"Oh no, not you specifically. It's nobody's fault." She glanced at the door, a far-away look in her eyes. "Don't think that he doesn't care for you. The problem is that he does care, he cares for everybody but himself."

Ashley hesitated, but didn't wait for more, chasing after Jonah. As she left, the psychic sighed, murmuring softly to herself.

"I do hope she gets to him..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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