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Felix got through the airport slowly with a dizzy look. He felt exhausted but not sleepy, as the flight took almost three days and he had enough time to sleep, not rest. After entering the installations' bathrooms, he let the water pour for a while and then he cleaned his face. Felix still couldn't believe what his family had done, sending him there alone. In spite of this, he felt more determined and confident as every step he made after leaving the toilets. Felix sat down in a bench outside the airport, away from the other passengers that were being greeted by their familiars. He wondered how he was going to survive there. The boy only knew a little bit of Korean but had no money or friends. He felt stupid, helpless... And even more angry as he saw a boy his age hugging his parents. He sighed annoyed. 

While he was looking what was at his bag, a man in black suit wearing sunglasses came up to him, giving the boy an envelope that was really thick. The man faded away quickly, no time for questions. "The fuck is this?"  Felix thought looking at the packet. Should he open it? What if it was dangerous? Anyway, he didn't really care at this point. He looked to his both sides before ripping off the paper. He couldn't believe it, the box was fulfilled with infinite green bills. It contained 7 million won. "Are you kidding me, dad?" He said surprised. He hurried and put the box inside his bag, his heart beating really fast. He hoped nobody had seen what was inside. That should be enough to find somewhere to live, at least for now. He got up and grabbed his bag. He decided to take a taxi to the city center, walking to the parking where the taxis were. He took a map of the city from an information stall and turned right. Felix didn't notice that there was someone walking towards him until he bumped into the person.

―Sorry! I wasn't looking at my way. ―Felix said incoherently as he had problems with Korean, realizing he had made the man spill his coffee all over his shirt. ―I'm really sorry. Is there something I can do to help you? Do you need anything? ―He felt guilty, although he wasn't kind, it wasn't the man's fault but his.

―It's okay, don't worry. ―The man looked really young and his calm tone made Felix feel better. ―You're not from Korea, right? ―He said in English with a really good accent, looking at Felix' bag.

―No, sir. I'm actually from Australia. I don't know anybody here and... I'll buy a new shirt for you if that's necessary. ―He replied,looking concerned.

―No need. I'm Seo Changbin, inspector chief from the Police Department.

―I... ―Felix wasn't sure about telling the inspector his real name as he had a box full of money inside his bag. This thought disappeared as Mr. Changbin smiled at him. ―I'm Lee Felix, nice to meet you. ―He said bowing.

―You don't have to bow! It seems like we are around the same age. I'm only nineteen.―Said Changbin laughing. ―How old are you? ―He asked Felix.

―I'm eighteen. A normal student. ―Felix felt Changbin's eyes looking at him from head to toe, and he blushed. "What's wrong with me?" he thought. He felt much better now, but that feeling faded away as he noticed Changbin looking at his wrist for the time. ―Do you have to go? ―He asked a little bit down.

―Yes... My turn starts at 8. Anyway, I'll give you my phone. This city is really big for a new boy like you, and it seems like you haven't had the time to make friends. Call me sometime, we can meet at the Golden Café in the city center. I work nearby. ―Changbin took out some paper and wrote his number, giving it to Felix. He waved goodbye as he went into a taxi.

Felix stood there, with the little paper in his hand. The bad boy just met someone from the police, the feeling still lingering is his chest. He decided to take a taxi as well and asked the driver politely to drive him to the city center.

Half an hour later, after a lot of traffic and seeing a lot of shops and restaurants by the taxi's window, they arrived. He paid the driver and closed the taxi's door. The great avenue seemed to greet him. Neon lights and songs everywhere. He felt relieved as no one seemed to care about his presence. He spent part of the morning exploring the main streets and searching for a mobile phone shop. He finally found one and bought a decent phone. It was enough to download some Apps. He bought credit to call too. Then, he was guided by his feet to a little restaurant at the end of the street. It was strange, the large avenue seemed to tighten as it went down, to finish there in the restaurant. He opened the door hearing a "ding" and he sat by the window. He asked for a dish that he knew back in Australia and waited sipping some pineapple juice. He thought about his family. The bruises started to turn greenish and he felt tired. As he was introducing Mr. Changbin's number in his new phone, he heard the door bell ring again. Speaking of the devil... Seo Changbin did just come in.

―Good afternoon! ―He said to the owner with a wide smile.

―Chief! How was your morning? ―The owner asked politely.

―Tiring, as always. Can I have the usual, please? ―He asked, as the owner nodded and went back to the kitchen.

Felix stared at him nervously. Changbin noticed him and went straight to him as he took a chair and asked for his permission to sit down. Felix invited him to sit.

―Felix! What a coincidence. I usually come here to have lunch. My  day was really tiring. How was yours? ―Changbin took his jacket off and poured some water in his glass.

―It was okay. I had time to explore the avenue and I bought a new phone. I was really hungry and I ended up here. ―Felix said while his stomach roared.

―I see! ―Changbin laughed. ―You haven't told me much about yourself. Where are you going to study? ―He asked.

Felix looked away. He didn't know anything about the city and his future there, plus he was starting to feel the same as this morning. He felt bad as Changbin was only seeing his good side. The side that no one had seen in years, not even Felix himself. For some reason, the chief was there and was willing to listen to Felix, and the boy couldn't help but trust him. He told Changbin he was sent by his parents there, omitting why they did so. He told the chief he didn't know at what university he could enter in neither where to stay. Changbin sighed.

―Well, I'd have to check your marks before, but I have a lot of friends working in university and I think they owe me one. What do you think? ―He said with a warm smile.

―Oh... That would be a lot. I don't want to be a burden. ―Felix replied. This man was offering him too much, and he only knew Felix from that morning.

―Felix it's obvious you're struggling. I could see it in your face this morning. Your family isn't here and you don't have friends. ―Felix fidgeted nervously with the fork. ―Yet. ―Changbin assured him. ―Accept my help and you will return the favour to me someday, okay?

―Okay... It means a whole world. Thank you so much. ―Felix was overwhelmed.

They ate in silence, listening to the street noise and Changbin occasionally making some comments about the city.

They finished and Felix paid for the food of both. It was the least he could do for Changbin. The chief made sure to save Felix' number too and promised to call him at night, when his shift finished. "Maybe we can have dinner together aswell", he said smiling lightly. Felix felt his heart skip a beat and saw Changbin go back to work. Now he only had to find a place to stay until the University problem was solved, thanks to Changbin.

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