Chapter Three

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Felix's P.O.V

Yep just as I said I didn't get any sleep, well that would be a lie I did get about 2 hours or so. I sighed as slowly getting up out of my bed, I'm not a morning person. I went downstairs and got some food. When I am hungry I am grumpy, maybe that's why I was so mean to the kind woman in the hospital.

(A/N Do you remember Pewd's saying in one of his videos that when hes hungry he's grumpy or is it just me who remembers?)

The thought of the hospital brought Ryan into my mind. I need to go see him today. I finished up my food and ran upstairs I quickly got dressed and ran outside not stopping until I reached the hospital. That was a mistake, when I finally got there I was out of breath and covered in sweat. A lady actually came up to me thinking I was hurt. Ha now that's going to be a story to laugh about.

When I finally got to Ryan's room he was laying there starting off into space. Whats up with him? Is he okay? Did he not hear me come in? Maybe I could just sit here and wait until he notices me. That's not creepy...right? I mentally laughed as sitting down on the chair beside his bed. It's not creepy at all Felix! I will just wait until he notices me.

Ryan's P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital. Wait how did I get here? Who brought me here? I was in so much pain too I had a bad pain in my legs arms and stomach. Just think Ryan try and remember what happened from last night. I found some news papers, I called my friends and we went to a church. Oh now I remember, but who was that. I remember hearing a voice, but who's voice was it? Could it be that ghost the news paper was talking about?

I need to go back there and find out. After I get out of here I am going to go back. I want to know if it was him or not.

I was determine to find out but a voice in the back of my head kept on nagging me.

"Curiosity kills the cat don't you know and in this situation you are the cat."

I just pushed that voice away. Besides if I didn't explore curiosity will eat away at my insides. For the rest of my life I will be playing the what if game with myself. So I must go and explore. It'll be the best thing to do.

"Uh bro you okay." A voice said. Right away I knew that, that voice belonged to Felix.

A normal person would jump at that, being so lost in thoughts having no idea whats going on around them and then someone pushes you back in reality with their very own voice startling you. I felt way to relaxed to get sacred or even jump so I just turned my head in his direction in a very calm way.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied, I'm glad Felix came.

"Oh okay good, so how are you feeling?" He questioned looking at the bandages warped around my arm.

"I feel some pain but it could be worse." Maybe that is a lie, okay it is a lie. I feel all of the pain and it hurts like hell. I only said that because I didn't want him to worry. I know he worries about me a lot. I don't mind it though I like it. It tells me that he cares for me.

"Oh okay that's good!" He said happily.

I smiled and laughed a bit. "So Felix when do you think we should go back to the church?" I asked I want to go back there as soon as possible.

His smile dropped and turned into a frown. "Uh Ryan while you were sleeping all of us Jeffery, Jackal, Rosetta, Javalin and I agreed never to go back to that place ever again."

"What why, this is something really big and if we do more searching maybe we could find out the true meaning behind the ghost."

He sighed "Ryan I'm sorry I know this means a lot to you but it's just to dangerous. We can't risk anyone's life for a stupid ghost I know it may seem cool but I want all of my friends to be alive. We should just leave the ghost alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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