~real life~

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Stiles POV

I was going to meet Summer at the park now. I left the house ready to go see her, my dad stopped me as soon as I was about to open the door to walk out. "Where do you think you're going?" The Sheriff said "uh meeting a friend in the park" I replied "oh okay go have fun" I sighed with relief and wakes out to go meet the most beautiful girl in the world at the park. I finally got over Lydia for 8 years I have liked her but since I have seen Summer my mind has been caught up on her.
I got to the park and saw Summer on a bench. She didn't need the makeup she had on she was beautiful anyway but I wasn't going to question why cause she looked flawless anyway.
I walked over to her and sat next to her.
"Hey summer" I said smiling slightly
"Oh hey you're stiles right?" She asked me
"Yeah I am" I replied with a smile
"Sorry I'm new to all these names" she said kind of awkwardly
"It's fine" I said while sitting on the swing next to her.
We sat there talking for hours. I fell in love with her smile. We become great friends but I wanted to ask her to go to the formal thats coming up.
"Uh summer?" I was going to do it. I think
"Yeah" she looked at me and smiled
"Would you like Togo to the formal with me?" I asked embarrassed if she says no
"I would love to" she smiles
I smiled and we got up. I felt her arms wrap around me in a hug I hugged back this was the best moment in my life.

Summers POV

We sat on the swings and talked for about 5 hours. His smiles. Damn him smile was the most amazing smile I have ever seen. I fell for him.
He asked me to the formal of course I said yes how could you not say yes to that cute little thing. I hugged him. He walked me back to dereks since I live with him now. I walked in happy but Derek took no notice since he was with Jennifer. I went straight to where I was sleeping and flopped on my bed with a smile.

Don't fall for him ~ teen wolf social mediaWhere stories live. Discover now