Notice of Discontinue

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I'm sorry to everyone who was hoping for a new chapter from this story.

I know a lot of people read and loved this story. But I've changed as a writer, I've grown, and I'm honestly disgusted with what I've written in this story. I can't in good conscience continue to write it at all. On top of that, my love for Naruto as a character and brand have plummeted. It's so bad that I cannot even look at the name 'Naruto' without getting a headache.

So, it is with a heavy heart that I must declare this story discontinued, finished, over. Until such a time as I find my inspiration for Naruto again, this story won't get another chapter. And even if I do find the inspiration, I'm afraid I still wouldn't write another chapter. I am sorry it took so long to free you of the burden of hoping another chapter would come.

But it won't.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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