Tinker's Sister (a Venturiantale Fanfiction) Pt. 7

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        There is a Tardis in my bedroom.

Jordan's POV

        "Uh, it's blocking the door." I say, looking around it. "But I don't care!" I yell being a totall fan-boy and running up to it.

        "You know Vahl has one too, right?" Says Lyric. Trying to get my attention and trying to step in front of the Tardis.

        "Uh huh..." I nod not really paying attention. Then the doors swing open. Cywren, Timebomb, and Quasar are standing in the doorway. "Oh... my... GOSH"

        "It's nice to meet you in person." Says Cywren. Quasar barks at Lil' Vent. "Oh, Quasar don't, the bunny is not a foe."

        "Uh..." I say. "J-just give me a second..." I put my hand on my head. "WHAT!" I feel my heart beating crazily. "I... I need to get my family..." I walk over to the door but the Tardis is in the way. "Do you mind parking it outside?"

        "Don't you want to come look at it first?" Cywren asks. "Come on! If I know anything about you iit's that you can't resist a real Tardis." She laughs.

        "Okay!" I run over to the entrance. I look back at Lyric. She nods, smiling. I step one foot into the Tardis. The whole counsole room is about four times bigger than my room. "Wow..." 

        The whole place glows with a life source that I can't discribe. I feel the life in it. A living machine - time machine - teleporter - WHATEVER IT'S A TARDIS! The lights tavel through out the whole Tardis, from what I can see.

        "Okay!" I say. "This is... amazing! I need to get my siblings! Can you park it in the backyard?" I ask.

        "Yeah." Says Cywren. I step out and wait. The doors automatically close and then the Tardis starts to disapear. 

        "Woah..." I whisper. It fiinally disapears fully and I run out my door. "GUYS! GO OUTSIDE YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" I yell as I dash downstairs. Lyric follows me with Nav and Lil' Vent on our trail.

        Cierra looks up from her laptop, so does Bethany. Isaac looks over the couch from playing on the Xbox. They all get up and walk over to me.

        "What's going on?" Asks Cierra. I just smile and walk over to the back door. The Tardis isn't there.

        "What?" I say. "She said that she would park it right there..." I walk across the house tot he front door. "There it is." I smile. "Take a look." I say, looking at them.

        "Is that what I think it is?" Asks Cierra. Bethany just stares and Isaac's eyes widen. We all go outside.

        Cywren pops out of the Tardis and says; "We have a problem." We all walk over to the Tardis and Cywren waves us in.

        "Is that..." Bethany starts. 

        "Yup." I laugh. "Cywren Caster."

        We all walk in and then we see the problem. A tall girl with really long caremel hair is staring at me with wide grey eyes.

        "No... way." She gasps. "You're... you... oh... my..." She faints. Timebomb catches her and sets her down easily. Quasar licks her face.

        She wakes up. She looks around. She quickly stands up and looks at everyone. She take a few deep breaths.

        "You okay?" I ask. "How did you get here?" I think for a second. "Cywren, I told you to park it in the backyard. Not front." Cywren shrugs.

        "You're Jordan Frye!" She looks behind me. "And you're Bethany, Cierra, and Isaac Frye!" She turns around. "And you guys are Cywren, Timebomb, and Quasar. And then these guys are Lil' Vent and Nav! But who are you?" She points to Lyric.

        "I'm Lyric." She says, putting her hand out. The girl shakes it. "I'm Poet's sister." The girl looks suprised.

        "Am I in a..." The girl starts.

        "Yes, you are in a Tardis." Says Cywren walking back over to the console. "Geez, do I always have to explain these things?"

        "What's your name?" I ask the girl. "You obviously know all of us." This is going to be hard if she is stuck here.

        "Oh! I'm Alaynna." She blushes. "This... is... crazy! Wait... how did I end up here?"

        "That's what we are trying to figure out." Says Lyric. "And fast."

        "Why?" Alaynna asks.

        "May I tell her?" Lyric asks me. 

        "I guess so." I say.

        "Okay." Lyric says. "You have to take this seriously and you can't tell anyone. Got it?" Lyric seems serious. Alaynna nods. "There is a disease in Skyrim and I need Jordan to come with me to cure it."

        "WHOA..." Her eyes widen. "That's... AWESOME!" She pauses. "Wait, so why am I here?" She tilts her head slightly.

        "We don't know, hun." Says Cywren. "That's why we are questioning you." She rolls her eyes. I didn't expect Cywren to be so... mean.

        "So the Aflicted are going to kill Vahl and Farkas is one of them?" Asks Alaynna. The whole room goes silent.

        "How did you know that!?" I almost shout.

        "I don't know... it just popped into my head." She looks a bit confused. We all are.

        "Woops..." Says Cywren.

        "What?" I ask. Then the Tardis doors fling shut and we are locked in. Then we hear the engenes come on. "Cywren what did you do?"

        "Uh..." She blushes. "I may or may have not just pulled a lever that sends us to Skyrim...."

        "You did WHAT!" I shout.

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