I was not equipped for this..

17 2 1

I struggled to start this project, I guess I struggle a lot in general. As a 17 year old high school student in plenty of AP and honors courses, you would think I'd have something to go off of- but I feel emptied. Junior year has been the roughest year ever, and not solely because of academics, but because life changes. People change. People turn. People fight. People stop talking. People don't click. People leave. This I believe is not well known, until it is eventually experienced. I believe that we all know but aren't well enough equipped with adequate problem solving ideas to actually handle the situation. I came from a family that was... filled with many family problems. It is a constant battle with myself.. I don't have anyone to turn. It's devastating to see your grandparents go against you. It hurts to know you weren't good enough for someone. It's upsetting to see your favorite teacher leave. It's hard to lose motivation and energy and procrastinate on everything. It's hard to be upset and lonely, maybe slightly depressed. It's hard to want to talk, but not having the strength to say it. It's weird to have so many things out of your control, so many changes you don't want to accept- it happens in life. Life passes by too fast for you to care. Life is too short to keep up with the negative energy. Life sucks all too much for it to be useful... or so it feels. It's been a rough one, I know it all too well, life is a struggle and a huge pain in the back... To combat this, I believe, you have to find someone or something worth the energy and excitement. Listen to that friend you never really talked to. Hang out with that annoying kid from freshman year. Fall in and out of love and friendship. Date that kid you swore you never would. Go spend that time sitting in the backyard at 3AM. Oversleep when you can. Undersleep when you should. FIND THE ENERGY AND ABILITY TO LIVE LIFE FULLY. This is the life worth living for- This I believe.

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