The meeting

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Tina quickly glanced at the file.
Achilles Tolliver. Tina's new partner.
She hoped that this person would not be like the previous aurors who looked down upon her and always spoke behind her back. She hoped he would be a workaholic just like herself. With these thoughts, Tina put the file back on her desk and went back to her seat. There wasn't a lot of paperwork to do and Tina was getting bored when suddenly the wooden door to her room opened with a mighty swing and revealed a young ,well built auror in his thirties barging inside the room.

" Oh! I am extremely sorry Miss..?

"Goldstein", Tina calmly replied.

"I was hoping to meet my field partner and Red told me that I would find him here. Anyways, it is my mistake. I shouldn't have barged in. You see, I was excited at the prospect of meeting my partner."

"I think you are mistaken. May I know your name?", Tina asked in apprehension.

" Tolliver. Achilles Tolliver."

As soon as the words slipped out of his mouth, Tina was filled with a slight annoyance. She thought to herself, "He is going to be no different".

"Oh. Well, I am Auror Tina Goldstein. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Tolliver. And Madam President informed me that someone by the name of a Mr Tolliver is going to be my partner."

"Good gravy! I am sorry, again. Don't think I am prejudiced against female aurors. It's nice to meet you, Miss Goldstein. Hope that we enjoy each other's company and be successful partners", he rambled.

" So, now that we are done with the introduction, let's get back to business. Grindelwald has amassed followers and some of them are going to a ball next week at The Royal Senate Hall to give a speech and recruit potential followers. Madam President has told me that further instructions on the type of raid we will have to conduct will be given once we visit her together."

" Why wait then?"
With these, the two left for Madam President's office.

They were halfway to her office when Seraphina Picquery walked towards them.

" Madam President," Tina greeted and Tolliver followed.

"Ms Goldstein. Mr Tolliver. You two are to go to that ball together as partners and collect as much information as you can. Don't harm unless provoked. Saturday, 7 pm onwards. Good luck."

"But , Madam President...." Tina quickly retorted.

" No buts, Miss Goldstein."

With these words, she left .

An uncomfortable silence grew. Tina stared at the floor.
" Erm...I have heard your name somewhere. Are you the same person who was demoted to the Wand Permit Office because of that Barebone case?", he asked abruptly.

" Yes."
The silence grew once more. Tina felt that Mr Tolliver was trying his best to start a conversation with her but she was too nervous for the first time.

"If you don't have any more queries, I will head back home. ", Tina replied.

" Oh sure. Goodbye ,Miss Goldstein."
"Goodbye, Mr Tolliver."

" Call me Achilles, Tina," he spoke softly.
Tina gave a strained smile and left.

Somewhere, she felt that this person was a nice fellow and made her feel comfortable like another person from across the continent. Newt.

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