Part 1-The Spell

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Hey guys! I know y'all have been asking me about a mostly Jilly fic for a while now. So, here it is! It's taken a bit to write (Heavin has been my main source of inspiration lately, plus I've been busy) so its been a while in the making. But enjoy!


Fifteen year-old Gilly Cobbler stomped angrily through the halls of FTRS, dutifully ignoring Jax's persistent footsteps behind her.


She kept walking. Students started out of her way as she plodded forward.


Quickening her pace, she glowered, though on the inside a part of her was smirking from knowing that he was still following her.


After all, he'd been fighting with her for two weeks. And Jax and Gilly didn't have major fights often. But when they had their fights, they were messy, awful, and often emotionally disastrous.


Most of the time it had something to do with him trying to stop her from doing something stupid. Most of the time he was right, of course, but surely not this time. Still, whether or not she was willing to accept it, a part of her liked seeing him chasing after her, bearing desperate apologies.


Gilly spun around, crossing her arms. "What?"

He screeched to a halt a few feet behind her, looking both frustrated and apologetic. That look never ceased to ignite a cacophony of emotions in her. "I'm sorry."

About ten or so students had spread out along the edges of the corridor, seeming curious. Gilly and Jax's arguments nearly always drew a crowd. Gilly paused a moment before responding. "Ok."

Relief filled his face before she pivoted, storming off into a hallway that had materialized to her right.


She stopped. Turned around again. Glared.

Jax's had followed her into the hallway, which had sealed itself behind him, cutting off the other students. "So that's it. You're just gonna walk away?"

"Yeah, I am."

He crossed his own arms in an imitation of hers and glared right back. "You're not going to say anything?"

"Jax, if you're looking for an apology, you're not gonna find it here."

He blew out an annoyed breath. His hair was a mess, which wasn't like him at all. An odd thing to notice, but true nonetheless. "Look, Gilly, I can't watch you to go through with this."

"How sad for you."

"Don't you remember the last time you 'talked' to Anna? After we defeated Rumpelstiltskin? You wound up in a prison cell for two months!"

Internally, she winced. "She's changed! I know she has! She's not some misguided kid anymore. Rumpelstiltskin is a statue. There's no one to misguide her! She's-"

"A villain." Jax cut in. "Not a reformed villain. An active villain working with a group of other active villains who's duped you before. Multiple. Times."

"She's my sister." Gilly said pleadingly. "Jax, you know-"

"That I'm not letting you get hurt again? Yeah, I do."

"You know what she means to me."

"Of course I do." Jax's brow furrowed in sympathy. "That's why I can't let you fall for this again. Anna is going to keep playing your affection to her as a trap until you get smart. And I need you to realize that however much you think you know about your sister, she's still a villain."

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