Chapter II

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As soon as Allie got home she started studying. Her parents were still at work like every time she got home from school.

Why can't I just turn back time.
She wished Jeongin and her were still kids. They didn't had to worry about a thing and just enjoyed life.

They both changed, she noticed. Whether it was positive or not she didn't know. Both had their secrets, not wanting to bother each other. Without noticing they broke their promise. They act more awkward around each other than back then. It's almost like they could tell that they're hiding something, but none of them said it out loud.

It was already past midnight when Allie decided to go to bed, her head ached from the hours of studying. She should have drank more. After switching the light off her thoughts drifted to Jeongin again. Will they still be friends after high school? He was her only friend, she didn't want to loose him. She had to work hard so she could get a good job and afford them both a life without worrying over their future all the time.

She sighed when she noticed she had been up for way too long. Again.
Her thoughts often kept her awake at night. But as long as it didn't affect her grades she didn't mind. She just wanted to bring Jeongins smile back.

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