Admitting it to myself (chappy 3)

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So, who likes the story so far!?!! :D

No one? Yeah I thought so... I know I suck...

Anyway here's chapter 3! Try enjoy it, yeah?



After I stormed off from the most awkward situation of a life time, I ran into my room and slammed the door shut. I didn't want to see, hear or talk to anyone.

I paced back and forth around my room thinking hard. Why the fuck did I lean in to kiss ben? Why did I enjoy his breath on my still tingling lips? And why was ben also leaning in? Does he like me? I don't even like him, at least I don't think I do. I mean, he's funny, smart, cute, sexy and... Wait what!? Sexy!? No Jeff, no!

You can't like another man! It's just.... No! I'm not gay! Aren't I?

"ARGH!" I yelled throwing pillows around the room and smashing photo frames against the wall, the glass shattering into a million pieces all over the blood stained carpet. I pulled out my knife and started screaming, stabbing and slashing everything I could get my hands on, tears streaming down my face in frustration.

As I swung the knife back I accidentally let it go and it went right through my shoulder blade hitting the bone. I stood frozen until the pain sunk in.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" I screamed as the blood starting pouring from my open flesh wound soaking my hoodie and staining the carpet even more.

"WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU... oh god jeff.." Eyeless Jack yells barging into my room seeing me on the ground a crying bloody mess. He closes the door then runs over and kneels down beside me. He pulls out a rag from this pocket and uses it to stop the bleeding as much as he can, then wraps it around my wound and ties it in place.

"Jeff? What happened?" Eyeless Jack says sympathetically. I just shake my head in reply not trusting my mouth with shaky words. I don't want him to see me like this, I don't want him to see me looking weak. I'm a killer, a stone cold killer! I can't look weak.

"..Is this about what happened earlier?" He pushes. I freeze for a few minutes before eventually giving a small nod. He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug and that's where I lose it. I break down in tears sobbing into his chest as he rubs light circles on my back whispering soothing words into my ear. I'm glad out of everyone, EJ was the one to come in here, he's good with stuff like this. He's usually the one that people talk to about their problems and he gives advise, that's why it's great to have him around and as a friend.

I look up at EJ and finally form words "I...I don't know w-what happened back t-there EJ. I was about to kiss my best friend and I-I don't know why! What's wrong with me? And more importantly, why did I like it!!?" I cry not being able to continue any further. EJ continues hushing me and rubbing my back.

"Jeff look at me. Nothing is wrong with you, at all! It's okay to kiss another guy, there's nothing wrong with that. Have you ever maybe considered that your gay or possibly even developed something for ben?" He says the question startling me a bit.

"I'm not gay, but I defiantly feel something strong towards ben and it's not just friendship either"

"Maybe ben is just an exception for you and there's nothing wrong with that! I also think ben feels the same way" EJ says a small smirk developing on his eyeless face.

Ben likes me? Pfft, yeah right EJ, good one. There's no way someone as perfect as him could fall for a killer like me, ever. He's just to good for me and deserves way better than I can give. But then again, it would pain me to see him with someone else. I wouldn't be able to bare seeing someone else make my benny boy happy, he's mine! I can't let him slip away from me, not now, not ever. I need to tell him that I love him!

Oh god. Did I just say that?

Yes I did and I'm not ashamed!


"Yeah Jeffery?"

"I think I'm inlove with ben!" I say finally admitting it to myself.

My Happy Ending (Jeff the killer x Ben drowned)Where stories live. Discover now