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Hachiro transcription of hachirou Hachirou 八郎 meaning 八 [hachi] (eight) + 郎 [rou] (son)

Haru 陽, 春, 晴 meaning 陽 (sun, sunlight), 春 (spring) or 晴 (clear up).

Haruki 晴輝, 陽生 meaning 晴 [haru] (clear up) or 陽 [haru] (sun, sunlight) + 輝 [ki] (radiance, shine) or 生 [ki] (life).

Haruto 陽斗, 遥斗, 陽翔, 晴斗 meaning 陽 [haru] (sun, sunlight), 遥 [haru] (distant) or 晴 [haru] (clear up) + 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major, or 翔 [to] (soar, fly).

Hayate 颯 meaning (smooth).

Hayato 隼人 means隼 [haya] (falcon) + 人 [to] (person).

Hibiki 響 meaning (echo, sound).

Hideaki 英明 meaning 英 [hide] (excellent) + 明 [aki] (bright).

Hideki 秀樹, 英樹 meaning 秀 [hide] (esteem, excellence) or 英 [hide] (excellent) + 樹 [ki] (tree).

Hideyoshi 秀良, 秀吉 meaning 秀 [hide] (esteem, excellence) + 良 [yoshi] (good) or 吉 [yoshi] (good luck)

Hikaru 光, 輝 meaning 光 (light) or 輝 (radiance).

Hinata 向日葵, 陽向 meaning 向日葵 (sunflower) or 陽向 (facing the sun)

Hiraku 拓 meaning (expand, open, pioneer).

Hiroshi 寛, 浩 meaning 寛 (tolerant, generous) or 浩 (prosperous).

Hiroto 大翔, 博斗 meaning 大 [hiro] (large, great) or 博 [hiro] (command, esteem) + 翔 [to] (soar, fly) or 斗 [to], which refers to the constellation ursa major.

Hotaka 穂高 meaning 穂 [ho] (grain) + 高 [taka] (tall)

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