Deleted Scene

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A/N: This is a deleted scene from The Will of Love and Life. You can read this without reading the book (but it's better if you do). ;)

"Your hair's so soft," Pete whispered.

Patrick bit his lip at the sound of the scissors. "Why am I trusting you?"

"You say it like I don't know exactly what I'm doing. It's okay, I promise."

Patrick sighed, and Pete rolled his eyes. Pete moved from behind Patrick and straddled his lap, brushing at the lawyer's fringe with his fingers. Patrick grabbed Pete's hips. He tried to tell himself he only did it because he had nowhere else to put his hands, but he had no excuse for tugging Pete forward.

"Do you do this with all your clients?"

Pete smirked and rocked his hips back. "Only for you, babe."

"Why do you do this to me?" he whispered.

"I like you. Now look down."

Patrick tried not to flinch at the scissors in front of his face. But he trusted his. . . whatever Pete was to him. He didn't really know.

"I'm done," Pete announced a few minutes later. He ran his fingers through Patrick's hair and kissed his cheek, managing to catch the corner of his lips. "You're beautiful."

"Is that a compliment to you or me?"

Pete laughed. "Always to you. Even though I may have just played a small part in it."

"So you didn't mess up?"

"I don't mess up, Tricky," Pete said, climbing off of Patrick's lap and grabbing the hand held mirror.

"I don't wanna look at myself," Patrick complained.

"But you're pretty," Pete argued. "I don't know how you can't see it." Pete flashed the mirror at him.

Patrick sighed. Purple was all around his ugly blue eyes. His thin lips always snarled and pouted. His nose was crooked and obtrusive. That was all he could focus on. Not the way his bangs framed around the right side of his glasses. Not how is blonde hair curled slightly over his ears. Not how the ring of green around his eyes made the blue sparkle up close. Not how his lips were full and tempting.

"I'm not much to look at," Patrick muttered, setting the mirror back on the table.

Pete sighed and sat back down on Patrick's lap, hooking the heels of his boots on the stool. He tangled his fingers in Patrick's hair.

"I don't just give all my clients a lap dance when I cut their bangs, Tricky."

"Just the rich ones."

Pete rolled his eyes and gently hit Patrick's cheek.

"Just the one I'd leave Nik for."

Patrick shook his head. "Don't make promises you shouldn't keep."

Pete set his hand on Patrick's heart, feeling it beat against his palm. "This is what I like, Tricky."

"If you caught a glimpse of what it looked like I'm sure you'd change your mind." Patrick set his hand on top of Pete's and pulled it away from his chest. "You should get off of me."

Pete shook his head and slid his fingers between the lawyer's. "You should trust me when I say that I would do anything to make you happy."

"I've never been happy, Peter."

"Then I'll never let you be unhappy again."

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