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"Take my virginity." You bluntly said to the boy who lean back on his couch. You stood right in the middle of the living room as he eyed you.

"Is there a particular reason?" He asked

"No...I just don't want to be one anymore. I'm going to lose it one day so why not now?" You made a rhetorical question hoping he was not that smart to see through you.

You were wrong.

"Save it with the lies. I hate liars..." he then moved his eyes up toward you.

"What's the real reason?"

Damn it. Any minute now and I'm going to choke.

"That's none of your business." You replied which made him nod his head.


Perfect. Now I just need to ask-

"No." His deep voice was enough to hear from far away.

"No what?" You asked raising your voice.

"I'm not taking it. Leave" He then lay down on the couch and began scrolling through his phone.

"I'll pay you how ever much you want. Why can't you just take the money?"

"Get out."

"No! Answer me!" Within seconds of you yelling, he stood up and gripped your left arm dragging you toward the door.

"WAIT! NO!" You fought back kicking and squirming around until you fell right on your butt.

"Ow~" you mumbled as he bent down to level you.

"You have 1 minute to convinced me." He stated glaring at you angry as he tilted his head to the side.

"Look! I like his boy okay

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"Look! I like his boy okay..and obviously he is not a virgin...I am. I'm scared of us ever happening and I don't know..what to do.." you immediately confessed when your time went. He chuckled as he shook his head.

" stupid girl."


"Alright. I don't care. $1000 dollars." He stood up, turn his back on you and walked back to the couch.

"1000 dollars?!?!" You stood up following him in shocked.

"Is that a problem miss virgin?" He smirked

"That's a lot of money! I can't come up with that!" You whined. He ignored you setting up his video game ready to go online.

"Tae...?????" You whined

"Look..I'll charge you 500 and the rest you have to pay after. Deal?" He strictly negotiated with you.

"Okay I can do that." You replied

"Bet. I just need a date and a time." He said putting on his headset as he was replying back to the people who called him.

"Yes! I'm online you little shit!"

"I-I get to p-pick?" You asked confused

"Well duh, it's your decision. Oh and I always use condoms no matter what. I don't care if you don't like it." He said turning to now face you. You turned red immediately and nod you're head.

"O-oh okay" you were quite shock on how this meeting was going.

"How about next"

"I can't friday." He stopped you there cutting you off.

"Why not?" You asked

"None of your business..."

"Hey! You can't tell me no! You just said I could pick.." You mumbled. The blonde simply ignored you which was making you waste your time.

"Hurry up! I have to go to work soon!"

"Alright. Friday night. Here at my place. Now you pick the time at least"

"Um...uh.." you went into panick mode.

What's a good time to fuck someone?!?!

Fuck pick something or else he will get mad!!

"Um..8!" You spat out

"8? We fucking that early? I's whatever you want...." he shrugged.

Don't say it like that!

You wanted to cuss him out but instead you made an excuse.

"Wait I work friday..Haha silly about 11?" You asked

"Bet. I'll pick you up from your apartment, be ready before 11."

"You're picking m-me up?" You were confused. him? But why would he?

"This is your first time. I can either be an asshole or a gentleman. You should at least be treated right..or unless you want me to be an asshole" he smirked glancing over at you.

"No." You mumbled

"Alright then. Friday at 11 it is then..."


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