Its Probably Too Early For This

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I'm sorry CierraElizabethLesca but I absolutely adore our characters??? They??? Are??? Adorable???

So headcanons

Axor & Aeden: { The Chaotic Dumbass And Concerned Mom }

"Aeden you can't just burn an entire kingdom to the ground"
"Oh yeah? Watch me! I'll be back before you know it."

- As previously mentioned, Aeden neglects his own physical needs and is often distracted. To remedy this, Axor forces Aeden to go do daily necessities such as eat, sleep, and bathe.
- Axor likes to count Aeden's freckles in his head when he's watching Aeden work and to his day has not figured out how many he has because he keeps losing track
- Similarly, Aeden likes to count Axor's scars. But he does this in a more intimate way, kissing them and murmuring how beautiful he is between each one because he knows how Axor feels about them and wants him to know how beautiful he is.
- Aeden's known to be a flirt, but he's also very easily flustered. One day, Axor actually flirts with him. The result? Aeden goes up in flames he's so flustered. He really needed to control that.
- When they start dating, Aeden takes every chance he gets to tease Axor in some way. Just to get him to blush and stutter and it's so fucking cute until Axor has enough and comes after the elf.
- They both have these instances when they just stare at the other and think "Holy shit he's so ducking beautiful how did I even get with him???" And proceed to have gay panics over each other
- I have absolutely no idea how these two would reproduce (I mean Aeden can reproduce but how does that work with someone that has the bottom half of a spider) but their kids?? The cutest monsters you'd ever lay your eyes on.
- Aeden buys an engagement ring at one point and legit just forgets to pop the question
- But who WOULD propose first?
- Aeden doesn't know how to open up his heart to people. He really doesn't. Neither does Axor,  which makes them both disasters.
- No but actually for the LONGEST time ever, even while dating, Aeden thinks it'll all slip through his fingers because "Axor only likes me because I saved him. There's no other possible reason. He feels like he's indebted to me."
- Needles to say, Axor smacks some sense into his mans.
- Once they figure out how cuddling works that's all they do.
- Back to marriage/wedding? Did I even get to this? Aeden would wear a goddamn dress you can't change my mind.
- Axor finds stray cats and dogs in alleys when he's shopping and takes them home.
- One day, he comes home to see Aeden taking a nap with all of them.
- Aeden uses white paint on Axor's skin during festivals and almost cries because "Fuck he's beautiful—"
- Literally everyone else is jealous of them because they are practically goals.
- Elves are known for being ethereal and unmatched in beauty, so Aeden doesn't see himself as unique.
- Axor takes care of that.
- They both have body image issues and Masrur just... SMACKS sense into them. With his sword.
- Aeden often hides Axor's shirts because he likes seeing his body and Axor just gives up at one point in finding them
- Axor is super sweet and is a cinnamon roll but will kill a bitch if they mess with his man. These are facts.

Bruno & Alexander: { Princess and the Prince but wait he's a queen but he's also a boy??? }

"Could you tell me more about jurda flowers, your majesty?"
*gay panic* "I-Its... its a... a flow— flower?"

- They're already such a cute couple and they haven't even known each other 24 hours
- When Bruno finds out just HOW long ago Alexander became queen (a few months) and how he's just... shocked. Alex had to watch his parents die and couldn't even mourn properly because his people needed a queen—
- I just??? Love??? How Bruno doesn't care about the way Alex speaks??? Not a headcanon bUt it's the cutest thing I've read in awhile
- They're pretty equal in sparring matches, so long as Alex doesn't use his power to cheat. Which he doesn't usually.
- Bruno and Jax go ring shopping even though it's an arranged marriage because tradition this is canon you can't tell me otherwise
- Bruno and Jax and Ethan become a bro squad somehow
- When Bruno finds out his "wife" is actually his husband he kinda... flips out.
- Bruno is utterly shocked at the amount of stuffed animals Alex has. Just. Why. Is he twelve???
- They go off and see the jurda flowers and wHoOpS it's a date
- Bruno is very worried when no one can find Alex but turns out he passed out after eating an entire jar of sugar
- Horseback riding is also something they both enjoy. They often bring picnic baskets and spend an afternoon outside.
- When people belittle Bruno because he holds no power, Alexander goes OFF. He won't defend himself even if he's being beaten to the ground, but say one word about the people he cares for? You're dead mate.
- They hold hands a lot and it's really fricking cute.
- Alex kisses Bruno's neck instead of his cheek because he can't reach it
- Bruno and Alex steal the kingdom's heart as the cutest royal couple.
- I mean think of it Bruno's charming demeanor and sincerity would knock the socks off of anyone
- And Alexei is just so shy and sweet and they're so cute
- They both need hugs honestly
- Bruno's dad comes around sooner or later after seeing that they genuinely love and care for each other.
- They are of course invited to the wedding
- Ethan walks Alexei down the aisle sorry I don't make the rules
- Jax as best man?? Because let's face it they're gonna become good friends—
- Bruno ends up losing some of his shirts
- Turns out Alex was stealing them as night clothes because they smell like him and he's too embarrassed to ask Bruno to sleep with him.
- Once they do get there, boy their first night together is awkward.
- By the eighth night they're already spooning
- If Alex can't find Bruno, the first place he looks is the library
- Alex buys Bruno a violin for his birthday
- You know what I'm gonna try and sneak in a courtship in the few months they have before they marry.

That's it. I'm sorry you had to read this.

If I even publish it.

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