Mazsus and a highschool AU

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Hehe, time to make up the relationship of two bros who will do anything for their friends.

Masrur & Azsus:
- They don't know what they're doing and it's obvious
- Masrur is very timid and also straightforward which drives Azsus insane
- They're pretty even in power
- They'd have to get a huge bed because they're both pretty big and Masu moves around
- Azsus is nervous around kids because he's not used to caring for them and suddenly mAsRuR shows up with five kids
- They're such a cute couple but they're also that couple people think are just friends
- They act pretty normal in public but closed doors means lots of cuddles
- They rarely have arguments, but when they do there's a fight until they apologize to each other.
- "I LOVE YOU" Can be heard from upstairs in their home
- "I LOVE YOU TOO" Can also be heard as a reply in the woods. There's a reason they don't have neighbors.
- "Masrur we have THIRTEEN KIDS, we're not getting dogs."
- "But—but the puppies."
- They end up with thirteen little gremlins and four good bois.
- These little gremlins love to wrap around Azsus' spider legs and walk around with him. Also they use their dads as a playground.
- They go camping quite often in the woods in the backyard.
- Lots Of hugs from behind and pecks anywhere they can reach.

hIgHsChOoL AU :33333

Axor: Pretty normal student. Not that popular, not a nobody either. Few close friends. A/B student, shy and socially awkward.

Aeden: Everyone either loves him or hates him. Very popular. Basically the school's slut. One of them, anyways. ( *cough cough* Josiah *cough cough* )

Alexander: Straight A student, striving for valedictorian. Gets called a girl often because of his looks. Very reserved and shy, stuttering mess when being called on. Cutest little thing you ever did see.

Bruno: Probably student body president. Teacher's pet. Absolutely adored by everyone. Probably a fan club full of fan girls. Gets love letters/confessions weekly. Poor baby just wants to focus on his studies. Also straight A student.

Masrur: Wrestling jock. Strong and silent type. Looks all mysterious and edgy because of his piercing. Terrible grades because he doesn't pay attention. Needs a tutor.

Aszus: Also a wrestling jock. Also strong and silent type. He's actually pretty playful around those close to him aka Axor. Big brother vibes. Anyone tries to hurt Axor... well, you know you're gonna get beat up. Has a solid B record.

Ethan: On the student council. Straight A student. Gets bullied for being the nerd he is. Does people's homework for money.

Jax: That one little boy everyone thinks is actually a middle schooler. Gets teased, kicks people in the crotch, probably a gang leader. Doesn't deal with people's shit.

Axor & Aeden: First Meeting

Probably a party Axor's friends forced him to go to behind his brother's back. Axor gets drunk and starts a conversation with Aeden. Ends with them making out on one of the couches and neither of them remember anything in the morning.

But Axor still has bruises on his shoulders and there's a hickey on Aeden's neck.

Bruno & Alex: First Meeting

Lab partners! They've got projects to do together. Alex, poor boy, is terrified of partner projects. Fortunately, Bruno's a sweetheart who does whatever he can to make him comfortable. They end up being great partners and do future projects in the future if they can.

( Alex already has a crush on Bruno but shoves it down because he thinks Bruno's s t r a i g h t )

Masrur & Aszus: First Meeting

They meet as Freshman since they're on the same wrestling team. They're sorta just... drawn to each other. Always spotting one another, helping around, etc.. People think they're best friends and are surprised when they haven't spoken to each other yet. But, they do after a week because Aszus sneezes and Masrur says 'bless you'.

Automatic best bros.

Axor & Aeden: First Kiss

Same night they first met. Aeden is a wildfire and Axor is grounded, being as gentle as he always is. Aeden tastes like alcohol and mangoes and Axor has a strong scent of vanilla to him.

It's Axor's first kiss ever and he doesn't even remember it.

Alex & Bruno: First Kiss

After their first date. Nothing much really, just a peck goodnight on the porch steps before Bruno goes back to his car but it keeps Alex up all night, wondering what it could possibly mean. Romance novels weren't any help.

Bruno is the same gay panic in the car before driving home and telling everything to his mother, still quite flustered over it.

They get together soon after that.

Masrur & Aszus: First Kiss

After they've won the finals. Everyone's cheering, and Aszus grabs Masrur by the face and kisses him. Pink haired boi is startled. It's over before he realized it happened and he's standing there, trying to make sense of the world.

Aszus has quickly gone to the changing rooms afterwards and mentally cursed himself over and over because "What was I thinking" and "of course he doesn't like me that way" until Masrur comes into the changing rooms and asks him out on a date.


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