Memory Shard - Catching Fireflies Part A

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'リンリン' the crickets were being particularly loud today. I sighed.
Popsicle in hand I treaded through the corridor, my bi-coloured hair -split into pigtails-, swished behind me as I came to a door. I slid it open and walked inside.
Within, my brother, Shoto was sitting at his low desk scribbling.
I sat next to him and leaned onto his wide back.
"When are you gonna finish, brother?" I half wailed out. He turned to me and smiled softly. He caresed my hair lovingly and said in his usual calm demeanor.
"In a bit okay?" He looked at my popsicle.
"You better be careful not to drip that on the futon or else Endeavour will scold you." I could tell he was holding back from speaking spitefully of our father in front of me. I nodded absentmindedly while thinking. When my thought train ended, I showed the popsicle to him. He shot me a questioning gaze.
"Have some, quick before it melts!" He hesitated for a moment before reaching in and biting ...the whole thing off!! I cried out.
"Why did you do that?!! My popsicle..." He looked at me with a teasing look, while I looked to the side downcast. I suddenly got up.
"Hmph! Fine! But you better come with me to catch fireflies today to make up for it!!" He gave me the ok sign and so I left very happily.

While I was writing this today, I had a sudden thought. What if the person who found this notebook was actually trying to commit suicide, but found this notebook instead? Well if that's what you were doing, then firstly, I am glad you didn't kill yourself, and secondly, don't do it again!! It's bad for you health! Yeah!! I also wanted to hurt myself once... But then a small happiness landed in my palm like a firefly, which pushed me to stretch out my hands to catch many, many more fireflies !! That's why you must try to catch those fireflies. You must live as much as you can!

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