they'll become weak

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They will open their eyes one morning and everyhting will turn blurred.

Don't ever laugh if they will be confuse between black and gray. Clean the house and make sure that there will be nothing that could make them fall, not even your favorite toy. Lead them their ways, if you have time, walk with them every morning 'cause sunlight can make their eyes see better.

They will soon loose their ability to hear things clear.

Don't ever be angry if they won't hear you the way they used to before. Don't be annoyed if they'll goin' to ask you to repeat the same thing that you said again. Don't shout. Always make sure that you are close enough for them to hear what have you said. And if you are in a bit of distance, don't shout with anger, take some steps to be close to them. Whisper to their ear if you have to.

They will soon be talking about their younger years more often.

Never get tired of listening to their stories even if it was told a thousand times before. Make them feel that you are eager to hear everything.Give them that (^____________^) excited face everytime the story is about to start. Make them feel that there is this one person that is interested with their stories and enjoy every detail.

Their knees will soon be shaking.

Don't force them to sleep upstairs or walk faster than they could. Don't rush the things that they are doing. Learn to wait for them when you are in the Mall or at the streets. Hold their hands while walking, let them use your arm as a tool for them to stand and walk their way. Be their strength.

They will sometimes act like a child that eagerly want something.

Don't say : "You're being childish!" or "Stop asking for it!" Instead, try to ask more often what they want to do or what they want to eat. make it a point that you got to give them what they want if you can give it. Treat them kindly and with full of respect.

They will soon be 'WEAK". They would feel that they are in the saddest part of human life. They will feel alone and without any worth. They will soon make some actions that could catch your attention. DON'T LET THEM BE.

Give them the care they need when they starting to see things blurred. Learn how to speak in your sweetest tone, the elders love to be caressed. Make time to lisen to their stories and enjoy every moment of it. Be their strenghth, guide and superhero. Be at their side whenever they need you. Don't take everything as a 'responsibility" instead, make this a COMMITMENT to your parents. Love them, and make them feel they got you. :)

When they grow olderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora