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Ailee is a 17 year old girl.. She only has her 4 good friends. David, Anna,Sophia and Ama. They're the only ones she feels as if she can trust. However,through her falling into depression,she begins to wonder who her real friends are and who her fake ones are. She wants to express hereself through a blog and an animation Youtube channel(more confident on her Youtube).She manages to express herself. When she hits 999K subs,her friends end Annie finds out and tells the whole group. Here is when she finds out who is really there for her and who really isn't.

David is Ailee's boy best friend and he really loves her as a friend. He has a massive crush on her but he thinks she won't like him back because people are always saying bad stuff about Ghanaians. Ailee is from the Philippines and she has heard so many things about Ghanaians. Whenever David tries to say that they're not true,she claims that she understands and already knows. But is he sure?

Anna is Ailee's bestest friend of the whole group. She feels as if Ailee is the bestest friend anyone can have. She also knows that Ailee is the only one who understands her because she always listens and Ailee understands her as well. Anna is from Germany. She is very positive and always smiling or cracking jokes. She makes people feel better no matter how big most problems are.

Ama is Ailee's funny friend. The comedian of the group,always making jokes. She knows Ailee on a very personal level and she feels as if she is very shy. She is Nigerian and she's Muslim. Always smiling and she absolutely loves Pepsi Max. She's been with Ailee for over 8 years and they know eachother's past. Even though they knew eachother for years and they could've had fights,they never had a fight.Very close.

Sophia is more of the faker friend. Ailee thought she can trust her but she finds out how fake she is and completely exposes Ailee. She is very rude to the whole group and people she doesn't like,but she's so nice with the popular group. Her smile and everything seems so forced and fake.She's so rude and she knows that Ailee really trusts her but she's so fake to her.

Okay swipe to the left from the right to read the rest.....
Not edited cba to.

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