Prologue: Past Reflections

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Down-World Castle "Throne Room"

Europe 1014

Wings fluttered like a heart beat, a Spanish man stood in front of a little young lad and a slender tall knight. The three people stood in a room with veins, branches, flowers, and leaves twisted on everything. Two thrones stood beside each other, both had the most beautiful oak wood legs in the dark realm. As each person stood, the man in-front held a wooden cane for support.

"Sir, if ye insist thyself can get ye minder." A dark voice emerged from the tall knight, it's stern Irish voice was a shock knowing truly who it was.

"NO! THYSELF IS PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF MINDING HAYDEN!" The man who stood a front, his wings fiercely fluttered as he shouted.

"God be with ye." The tall knight said, the icy blue eyes fiercely grew for concernment. Before walking into the night, the knight paused at the door saluting.

"Ye too....... Shinku Ketsueki." The man said with a fierce whip of his wings. "Hayden.. ye bedtime. Thyself has prince homages."

"Yes Father." The little young lad exclaimed in excitement, his light brown hair bounced as his wings would in a fierce beat.

The man smiled as he watched is young son run off to bed, as his heart grew with love it also sank too. It been awhile since the man had saw his beloved wife, his heart ached with the fresh memories of her.

"Prince Austin Hidalgo! The uh.. Warlock is here to see ye." Another knight said in pride, he was very tall and not important to the prince.

"Ah yes! Bring thou to thyself." The prince said, his golden yellow wings fluttered it's final time.

A man with extremely large extravagant midnight blue horns walked into the room. His hair a crazy spiked black with blue tips, his face bare of no hair. He wore a light brown hood with black pants and knee high laced boots. As he swiftly glided into the kingdom, he noticed the Prince's eyes glare at him.

"Hello, Thyself is Sebastian O'Walsh at ye service." The pale man bowed, his blue horns didn't seem like no problem with balancing.

No sound came out from the Prince, if a quilt dropped you could hear it. The prince stood there in silence not saying a single word, he slowly walked around the strange man... Well strange Warlock. After a few minutes of silence the prince final made a sound, a cough to be specific.

"Well, Warlock Sebastian O'Walsh. How old is ye? Why are ye the best? What makes ye the best? Why do ye want to become The Great and Mighty Sorcerer of The Down-world? What can the best warlock of the down-world do? Eh?" The Prince questioned, his brown eyes gleamed at the warlock.

"How old is thyself? Thyself is 25 years of age. What makes thyself the best? Well thyself has worked years and defeated evil to protect the down-world. Why do ye want to become the Sorcerer? Well, thyself wants to protect people and thyself is going to protect ye and ye son! What can the best warlock of the down-world do? Well, thyself can do lots of things. Sir, thyself would be honored to have great homages!" Sebastian pleaded, his voice strengthen with love and courage.

"Very well, ye has the homage." Prince softly spoke before walking away.

"Ba mohór an pléisiúr é." The warlock said gleaming his Irish dark brown eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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