The next morning I wake with the hospital wide alarm, the blanket from my bed around me. I must have fallen asleep here.
Glancing around, I see a pile of clothes is laid on the small dresser in the corner of my room. I shuffle over, keeping the blanket wrapped around my shoulders. The concrete and glass hospital never seemed to warm up.
        A plain white note is laid next to them, announcing that I am to appear at a debriefing, 0900, promptly. The hospital wakes all patients listed noncritical at 0830, meaning I have just enough time to prepare. I grab the clothes and walk towards the bathroom, dropping the blanket at the door. Someone would pick it up when they straightened the room.
        I walk into the bathroom, dumping the pile of black clothes on the counter. I check the small screen implanted in the wall next to the shower. It reads 0830-0850, which is more hot water than I have ever been given in my time here. I choose a gentle cycle, and wait for the water to heat.
        Every citizen in Axis is required to conserve all resources, at all times. Water allotments controlled most people's lives; as controlling when you could cook, clean, and bathe assured that people were where they needed to be. I think my mother explained that to me.

The showerhead turns on, and time begins counting down on the screen. I
quickly undress and enter, sliding the glass door closed behind me. I let the hot water stream over me, and wonder about the day ahead. I don't think I've ever been to a debriefing before, and search through my mind. Not a single memory reveals itself.
        The shower lets out a soft beep, and I quickly rinse off. Five minutes before my day truly began.
        Another beep- four minutes.

   Beep- three.

I don't hear the next one.

Rain pours through the small hole in the cave wall, dousing the fire that burned there seconds before. The people around me jump to their feet, moving away from it.
        The woman pulls me out of the cave, down a small tunnel. The rocky
floor slopes upward at an angle, and I slip once. A hand catches me by the waist, and pushes me back up. We reach the top and enter another smaller cave, and I look around for something. For someone. I watch myself panic, attempting to run back into the cave, before the woman pulls me back. I yell, trying to get away, but she holds on. The boy stands in the entryway, blocking my escape. I fall to my knees, sobbing. Panic rising in my throat as I rock back and forth. A faint scream echoes up the tunnel. I try to look at the faces of the people- to see their eyes or mouths, anything- but I can't see them. I never can.
Cold water streams over my body, and I'm fighting the familiar panic rising in my throat. I quickly turn, reaching up to twist the knob to off. The water stops, and I'm left shaking in the chilly steel shower.
I step out, wrapping the towel around me numbly and ignoring the screen chastising me for an extra two minutes spent in the shower.

        Someone nocking on the bathroom door pulls me back, away from faceless and soundless memories.
        "Miss Thorne?" It's a child's voice. "Do you need any help?"
I pull myself up and push down my rising stomach.
        "No, I'm- I'm- I'm good!" I push on my temples, trying to stop
shaking. "Thank you! I'm fine!"
        "Miss, your shower monitor was reading very high vitals, are you sure you are okay?"
Damn the vital readers.
        "Yes, fine! I'm good." My voice sounded terrible. The lie was thin.
        "Ok, if you're sure. There are people waiting for you, they'll enter
when you're ready."
I thank her and hurry to finish getting ready. There is no time to panic today. My mind falls into the mantra I recite daily, the only food thing Ermsine has given me.

I am Emory Thorne.
I was a scientist.
I survived.
I am safe.
I am Emory Thorne.
I will remember.

Sooooo... what do you think so far? Good/bad/okay?

What do you think of Emory so far?
Let me know! 💬


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