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today's reasons i am still alive;
1. my baby nephew and his rare hugs
2. my dad
3. the clothes i want
4. the fact i'll be happier at some point

i have been feeling awful today because i had an argument with my s.o. about this boy.
this boy- who i'll call dickhead no.1 -
allegedly stole money from my cousin (they were best friends at that point) when di no.1
had shit going on at home // family issues //
and my cousin let him stay with his family, lending him his expensive clothes. di no.1 stole £20 from my auntie- cousin's mother.

i insulted di no.1 at the table i was on with my three other 'friends' when someone mentioned him. s.o. got really defensive over him. i always seem to make my s.o unhappy.

i'm not sure i'm one for relationships.
so, there we have it. i feel pathetic. my s.o hasn't even texted me and i've been ignoring them. maybe i'm immature, sure, but i have a right to defend my cousin over some prick.

then there's my friends. there's two that regularly sit on our bench, they've both been horrible to me multiple times in the past, but they've been good for a while now.

after all, what choice do i have?


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