The Pressure

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Nelson POV

Jay and I have been dating ever since we left our home in the Bahamas. Tomorrow marks our two year anniversary. In fact, I can remember how it all started when we both hated each others guts from senior high school until that one night at prom. But besides all that we are better than we were then than we are now. What you may not know about me is that though I'm gay I was also born with both male and female parts. Hence, I don't rarely call myself a male or a female but I flow with it.

On the other hand, Jay was very supportive when I first found out from my parents before I left the nest. I mean i don't even know how i didn't notice that under my boys were a clit even though constantly I had an urge to gyrate a pillow between my legs at night. To be honest, I think I did notice it but didn't acknowledge it because my mom made it felt like it was normal. However, I'm not so sure why they kept it hidden from me for so long like c'mon I deserve the right to know everything about Nelson because Nelson is who I am. Lol, sorry about speaking in third person. It gives me life when I do. Ugh,enough of the past. Now is the present and when I mean now I mean I'm still wrapped up in bed next to the old jigaboo himself as he clutches me close with his crotch against my liver....(you all are too explicit so I'm saving most of my sexational stories midway in the story). I wanted to wake him up but his annoying horizon toned alarm beat me to it.

Oh gawd, he's now reaching over me to end the devil song alarm.(Its not demonic just a figure of speech for those who may think otherwise). I'm not gonna lie the heat that's emitting from his body is my only cooler and that's why when I'm upset he quickly rushes to cuddle up on me. Its aggravating but effective. As he staggered out of bed and into the bathroom I then quickly managed to make my way downstairs as i took out the surprised breakfast I had in store for him. I'm talking caramel glazed sunny side up egg omelets, strawberry jam paced pancakes with chopped bananas in the form of a spiral and for the main course a chocolate red velvet truffle cake with mini macadamia nut chips. When I love someone I go all out for the bitch yo.

Hearing his footsteps pummel down the stairs uplifted my spirits just to see the look on his face when he sees his first treat. Suddenly, he stopped before making his final step onto the bare floor. His face was rather surprising for I knew not of how he felt. Matter of fact, I wasn't sure if I messed up or forgot something which got me questioning myself.
"Nelly, what's all this for?" he said as my heart begins to crumble slowly.
"Oh, its nothing much." I replied sarcastically. "I just felt hungry and greedy that's all. What are you all dressed for?"

Now I'm pissed but I refuse to let him see that part of me so I sugarcoated it.

"Terrance wants us to head over to Gideon's tonight for game night." he exclaimed.

I then bellowed a huge sigh before looking back at the feast I prepared for our perfect day but if hanging out with Terrance makes him happy then I'm on board to making that happen...right after I ate some of the pancakes I'd prepared and placed all the other treats away store in the fridge.

To be continued...

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