The Pressure(2)

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Nelson's POV

Immediately after packing the food back into the fridge I went upstairs to get dress. However, this grudge isn't willing to go away so easily just like that but hesitantly I didn't confront him on it because I knew how bad his temper gets even when he's confused about something. Abruptly, it hit me. Maybe its a surprise and perhaps Terrance is in on it too. Reminiscing of the type of person Terry have became quick doubts came to my mind about it all again for Terrance was once a drug lord and a scammer. He took Jay in off the streets and in as his own lil bro after Jay escaped from an orphanage. Yeah, he's an orphan....his parents died from a fatal car crash back when he was five years old but sixteen years later here he is. He's a successful business man who took upon the likeness of packing priorities first. Jay loves helping others and his family but often he struggles with patience.

 Jay loves helping others and his family but often he struggles with patience

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On the contrary, Jay and I now sit easy where we are without a dept to look forward to but this isn't the life I wanted to be honest. Sure money is power but the vision I have for myself surpassed this million dollar lifestyle. I grew up having nothing and those who stood by my side in the past suffered the same fate even my parents. The real reason I left is because Jay wanted me to have a better life than I had under my mom and dad's supervision running the family business in carpentry. He said with me working under them especially getting paid minimum wage by my own blood is not a good sign and that they may be feeding off of my own little sweat and tears. Truth is he's right about that. Though its a small business I think I should be earning far more than just $75 weekly since the invoices are ranging up to quintuple the amount. In my parents house I felt unwanted for how poorly I was abused by everyone. Forcefully locked inside my room on weekends, never allowed to play outside or socialize...just complete agony.

I also sucked up some beaten from mom because I sang through my pain but she wanted me to drop that comfort due to her mom abandoning her as an infant to become a singer and later died from overdose. I want her to know I'm not like her or my dad or grandma but what's the point. She never listens to me. Nor does she take into consideration that its not my fault for being here in the first place so why make me feel like I'm a dreaded disease.

"Nelly, are you ready yet?" said Jay.

"Yeah, I'm coming down now." I then pitifully washed my tears down into what seems to be the endless drain of the bathroom sink while gaining into the reflection of what seems to be a guy who longs to be known as someone of great value for a change.(Relationships don't necessarily prove that you're priceless in someone's eyes just because they adore you. Though love is takes parts of who we are to form something new with another individual. Love is fusion.) Right that moment, I gradually came back to earth and hurried downstairs into the black mustang Jay recently bought just two days ago. As Jay entered, his sharp glare entered my peripheral vision because i know he knows something but he refuses to ask. So as you can see we both are difficult in expressing how we feel even when in the moment. He swiftly shifted into gear and off we went on our way to Terrance's.

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