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A tiny little pill
the immense power it possesses
How is it that
something so miniature
can calm these demons that dwell within me
How is that
something so tiny
can calm the raging storm inside me
How is that
something so small
can tranquil every single trembling nerve inside me
How is that
something so fragile
can be my companion in the most desolate of times
A toxic friend
you may call it
I ponder over why I do this, as I take another
I question my sanity, as I take another
I worry for my health, as I take another
I assure myself it's going to be alright, as I take another
I loathe myself, as I take another.
I take another
I take another
I take another
My senses, lost
My conscious dispersed
My eyes, watery
Walk, I can't
Move, I can't
Think, I can't
Disgusted with myself
I somehow still reach on to another
How is that
I cannot live without something so small

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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