Chapter 2

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"I don't care if your mom died, Your dad was crucified, and you were resurrected, You better be on time to my class." Mr. Gaha recites to me. 

Kulie and Luke decided they didn't wanna get up out of bed and it all had a domino affect after that. Jate thought it was unfair and started crying 😭, then that startled Jen who woke up Kate who woke up my Dad who got extremely angry. And mom was trying to deal with all of us ignoring me completely and only acknowledged my appearance when she couldn't deal with Jen and Kate. And then mom forgot who was who and what was what and that had a lot to do with the fact that they all named them similar names. Here is and example
Kulie= k from Ken and ulie from Julie
Jate= J from Julie and ate from Nate(me)
Kate= k from Ken and ate from Nate(me)
Jen = j from Julie and en from Ken
Luke+Me= nothing because our parents had no brains when they had us.

So when I finally got to school it was 9:30 party because of the explosions at the house, partly because there were 3 other kids going 3 other places. Luke at Lemitimg law preparatory school. Kulie & Jate at James elementary. Jen at Dino Daycare and Kate at Preparatory Preschool and Daycare for the advanced learning. ( Kate is smarter than Jen in certain areas and yes I know they are 3months old my parents are very strict when comes to education ). So by the time we got everyone out it was 9:30 and school started at 7:35. SEVEN FREAKING THIRTY FIVE A TO THE M. It wasn't block schedule today so Mr. Gaha was extremely mad that I was late to his stupid health class.

Authors Note/ sorry for the short chapter guys I didn't have enough time to add more but that means more in the next chapter.

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