Trapped - Ralsei x Kris (Part One)

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(Setting: After getting captured, Ralsei and Kris sit in the dungeon, waiting for Susie to break them out. fluff only, light nsfw, next part will be nsfw)

( 3rd pov)

Kris sat in the corner of the room, no way out of dark dungeon. Ralsei sat beside him, filled with hope and determination that they would be freed by their friend Susie. Hours had past and Kris had lost hope and he slumped against the cold cement wall. 

Kris: "We're never gonna get out of here.."

Ralsei sat up, looking at Kris with confusion. 

Ralsei: "What are you talking about Kris.. We've gotten this far! Susie is close to breaking us out, I just know it!" 

He sat closer to Kris, leaning against him, trying his best to comfort the other. Kris relaxed more, he couldn't understand how happy Ralsei always was, so cheerful and determined that there was always a solution. Kris smiled to himself and leaned closer to Ralsei, brushing his head against his. He had always thought of him as a brother but he always wanted to be more than just friends, ever since he met him in the darkworld.  Ralsei flinched in response, the blood rushing to his cheeks, he wasn't used to being this close with someone. Kris glanced at him in confusion

Kris: "Hey.. we're gonna be okay... just like you said.."

Kris smiled at him and Ralsei looked away, bashful.

Kris: "Is everything ok, Ralsei..?" 

Ralsei: "I-I'm sorry! u-uhh.. yes I'm okay..! I'm just not used to being so close to someone.."

Kris, thinking he had made him uncomfortable, scooted away from him, but Ralsei quickly grabbed his hand in response. Kris stopped and blushed, looking down at both of their hands.

Ralsei: "N-No--! It's okay.." 

Kris: "...Are you sure..?"

Ralsei: "Yeah.. I-I... like it.." 

Ralsei wouldn't look him in the eye, to embarrassed to even move. Kris understood the situation and scooted closer, this time wrapping his arms around him. Ralsei quickly froze, but he closed his eyes, happy to have gotten this close to him. The two of them. Close together. All alone. No way of escaping. Ralsei thought about this and covered his face quickly.

Kris: "Woah.. Are you sure your okay..??" 

Ralsei: "Y-Yes..! I'm... Great..!" 

Kris could tell that Ralsei was embarrassed and took the advantage, and he scratched and pet at his soft fur under his chin.

Ralsei: "U-Uh...-!" 

Kris stopped, thinking he had gone to far.

Kris: "I-I'm sorry--!" 

Ralsei quickly tilted his head to the side, like he wanted more attention.

Ralsei: "N-No.. keep going.. it feels really...n-nice.."

He didn't have to tell him twice and he continued to pet him, he moved from his chin to his ears and then down to his neck quickly, caressing his soft fur. Ralsei flinched and let out a soft whimper, getting satisfaction from him touching his neck and getting turned on by just one touch.

Kris: "Does it feel that good?"

Ralsei: "Mhm~!" 

Ralsei practically fell into his lap, entranced by his touch, he leaned into his hand and blushed hard into his lap, not wanting him to see his face. Kris looked down at him and continued to pet him, watching him twitch and jerk from sensitivity.

Kris: "Aww.. Your so cute Ralsei.." 

Ralsei gripped onto his leg and shut his eyes tight, getting lost in pleasure.

Ralsei: "D-Do you.. really think so..?"

Ralsei said this and and finally looked up at him with his face pitch red. 

Kris: "Of course! especially---"

Kris was cut off by the door slowly opening, the door scrapped against the floor as it finally opened. Ralsei quickly jumped up from Kris's lap and sat up further away, embarrassed by his actions. Soon enough Susie stepped into the dungeon, prideful in herself. 

Susie: "Sorry losers, didn't mean to interrupt your little 'tea party', but guess who saved the day."

Susie smirked, she had seen the whole ordeal for a couple of seconds but decided to keep her mouth shut.

Susie: "Time to get out of this hell hole, am I right?" 

She winked at both of them and they quickly got up, brushing off everything that had just happen. they all exited the dungeon and went on with their journey. 

( Alright guys this is the end of part one! I know its really short but hopefully next part will be longer! tell me what you guys thought of the first part down in the comments! :D)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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