(7) The Simple Life

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Bucky woke up at 6AM kissed her temple "Sleep baby I have stuff to do." he whispered. 

He went over and pulled on his boots and a hoodie and quietly snuck downstairs. He met his mom in the kitchen "She's sleeping don't worry I didn't have sex I told her I wanted to take things slow but it was past curfew." he whispered then he went out the back door and drove his truck down to the farm and checked the chicken coop and fed them. 

He milked their two cows and let the horses out by 645 the sun was rising and their rooster started to going off. Bucky came back in after all his chores were done. 

"Breakfast is almost ready baby." Winnie said 

"Okay mama" he said as he hung up his keys. 

He went upstairs to his room "Hey beautiful." he said as she opened her eyes 

"Where were you?' she said as she sat up. 

He pulled off his hoodie and took off his boots and sat beside her. He kissed her "I had stuff to do baby.." he said 

"Like what?" she said 

He looked up at her "I help out with the farm stuff. I get up at 5 AM and help my dad get the animals feed milk cows check for eggs. During the summer I help till the land and that way my dad doesn't have another heart attack  He's running a business with his brother and running this farm. I'm the only one besides TJ but he's only 5 that actually helps." he said as he pulled her onto his lap. 

"So between sports your job and this farm life.." she said as she pulled off his shirt "That;s how you look so sexy." she whispered as she kissed him as he cupped her cheeks. "If you say so" he whispered 

"Breakfast." Winnie yelled.

"Do you have pants for me?' she said 

"Um hold on." he said as he went out his door and down the hall. He knocked on Becca's door she opened the door "I heard mom ..oh what do you need?' she said 

"A pair of shorts or pants for Hensley?' he said 

Becca went over and found a pair of blue and black plaid pants "Here you go." she said

"Thank you" he said 

He went back into his room and shut the door " Here you go." he said as he pulled his shirt back on. 

She pulled the pants on and tied them. "What'" when she looked up. "You might want to put your bra back on you are on a house full of boys." he said

"OH god." she said as she grabbed her breasts. 

She went over and found her black bra in her dress. She slipped off the shirt and put the bra on and put the shirt back on. 

"Okay now we can go eat." he said 

They all sat down and ate breakfast she learned more thing about Bucky and his family. After breakfast he took her upstairs. She changed back into her dress and picked her hoodies up "Do you still want to be my girl." he said

"I do..I like your family it must be nice to be so close and have them come to games." she said as tears filled her eyes.

"Baby.." he said as she wiped a stray tear.

She looked down and he said "I have to work at the shop for a few hours so I have to take you home but if you want you can come back over later. I Get off at 4 cause we close early on Sundays. " 

"Okay." she said 

He wiped her tears "They are missing out' He said 

She smiled at him then he took her home he kissed her at the door. "I'll see you in a bit baby." he said 

He left and headed back to town and went to the auto shop and opened it up for business with Steve who asked about his date. 

Hensley was in her bathroom taking a hot bath when she got a text from Bucky "I miss you darlin can't wait to see you." he said after they got all the stuff done that they had to do to open. 

She smiled and replied "I miss you too." she said 

She packed her cheer bag with extra clothes and the hoodies he gave her. Around 330 she left her house and locked the door then drove to the auto shop. Steve kicked Bucky who was under a car. "Ow what?' he said 

"Your girl is out front." Steve said 

"My girl" he said as rolled out and saw the time on the clock handed Steve the wrench and walked out wiping his hands. "Darlin.." he said

'"My house was to quiet..and um I was bored." she said 

He smiled at her "You look adorable." he said when he saw her wearing the auto shop hoodie. He took her hand they walked into the auto shop and he let her sit at the computer "I have to finish this car then we can go." he said 

He finished up the car then him and Steve closed it up she followed him home and got her cheer bag out. He kissed her "I've missed you but I'm very tired.." he said 

"Let's go take a nap." she said 

"Mmm nap sounds good." he said 

They went inside and they went upstairs to his room she put on a pair of shorts and his t shirt back on he put on a new pair of ball shorts. They laid down  went to sleep Winnie came up to check on him and saw that he brought her back. 

The next day at school she rode with him in a pair of ripped jeans and a plain white fitted shirt with the Barnes Auto Shop zip up hoodie. She had her blonde hair in a messy bun with her glasses on. They walked in hand in hand it was the first time anyone had seen them together officially. 

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