Part 10

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You make me go crazyyyy you make me go stupidddd💆🏽‍♀️

You woke up feeling drowzy

Sitting in a chair- in a chair?

You now fully open your eyes and look around. Your vision was blurry but you could soon see

Where were you?

You tried to get up but soon realised you were tied to the chair

"Hello?" You said but it came out muffled, you had tape over your mouth

You began to freak out but tried to remain as calm as possible

A figure appears from behind the door and starts walking towards you

"Hello princess" he says sitting on the chair infront of you

Zion? No, but he looked strangly similar

He rips the tape off your mouth which leaves behind a stinging pain

'W-who are you?" You say quietly

"Don't worry about that, I just needa know where all that money is" he says moving your hair out of your face

"Money?" You ask trying to play dumb

You felt a sharp pain accross your face

"Don't play dumb with me, I know you know where it is, just tell me princess" he says now caressing your cheek

"I don't know what your talking about" you say as tears form in your eyes

"Im gonna ask you one last time, where is the money?" He asks sternly

"I don't know" you say raising your voice

He gets up and pull a gun out of his pocket and walks behind you

You could feel the cold tip of the gun pressed on the side of your head and his hand holding your neck

"If you don't tell me right now, I'm gonna have to-" he was cut off by a loud bang

You closed your eyes and flinched as you heard him and the gun fall to the floor


You feel someone begin to un tie you

You open your eyes and to your relief it was Zion

He untied you and you bugs you tightly

"Are you ok?" He asks sounding concerned

"I'm fine" you say hugging back

"We gotta go, we'll explain everything you soon" he says as he grabs your hand and you two quickly walk out of the building into a back of a van

"We?" You ask


"Hey Y/N/N" Mileyna says smiling and closing the door behind the both of you

"Uhm hey?" You ask extremely confused

"Yo she's so confused" you say Brandon say as everyone else laughs

"Well could you explain?" You ask

"Well bassically, we all robbed that bank, you just happened to get caught in the middle of this" Edwin explains

"So what was that situation back there?" You ask

"Zions brother, Elom, is the gang leader, he wants more money than we agreed on" Nick says anwering your question

"But Zion was the only one who got caught in the heist, and so our plan is to frame Elom to get Zion outta trouble because, as you may have noticed, they looked strangly similar. So you in?" Milyena says as everyone waits for you to answer

"This is gonna be wild" you say as everyone smiles

Majorrrr plot twist aha

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