Boys your going to school

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Okay guy this is the reason why I didn't update I started this during the summer and during that time I got my first job at animal clinic working 7-5 or 7-10 so I was tired a lot but now I'm in my senoir year of high school yay (T^T save meh pwease) but I will up date my stories as much as I can okay now that I bored you on to the stories my children (I claim all of you my readers as my children)

Your pov
I was in a huge rush in the kitchen the reason the boys are going to public school "Okay lunches check school bags with supplies check booooys" I sigh and drop my head "I forgot to wake them up" I quickly rush to their room 'How could I for get about this I had this plan out a week ago'

Ze flashback
While my boys were at the table eating their luch which was dino nuggets I was holding three papers sighing and looking them then down at my papers "Mama are you okay" Boomer asked me I look up and see my boys looking at me all worried "Oh yeah honey I'm fine it's just" I take a deep breath "I singed you three up for school since I can't take you to the school at the orphanage no more" they sigh then laugh "It's okay Mama" I smile at them "Thank you boys but this does mean going to bed early and waking up early" the give me a face like this (O_O) "Crap" I laugh at them as the groan
Back to Ze present
I open their bedroom door and see they're still asleep "Boys wake up its your fist day of school" they groan pulling the covers over themselfs "Boys I have no time for you three to fool around if you don't get up your waffles are gonna get cold" they groan and sat up stretching and yawning "Why do we need to get up so early" Butch rubs his eyes "I know how feel sweetie trust me I had to deal with for years" I pick them up out of bed "Come on let's get you three dressed" they sigh "But Mama" I put them on the floor then open their closet and gran their clothes setting them on their bed "Get dressed them come into the kitchen" I leave their room closing the door going back to the kitchen to finish cooking after five minutes the boys come in the kitchen dressed "Here you go babies chocolate chip waffles" they quickly fly over to the table "Why didn't I say that when I tried to wake up the first time" they laugh and eat their waffles "What school are we going to" Boomer asked with crumbs all over his face "Pokey Otas kindergarten my friend is a teacher she was also my old teacher so you'll be going there" Butch smiles "Sound cool we get to around the ladies" Boomer and Brick face palm "You do realize your five not fifteen honey" Butch pouts "Still" I laugh "Okay put your plates in the sink grab your bags and let's go" they do as I say then we get in the car and drive to the school "Thought it would've been bigger" Boomer says "There is another school but it's so big that it has all upper class men classes near your class I wasn't taking any chances" the smile then we get out and walk to the door of the school I look down at the boys as the hug my legs "You ready boys" they look at me and nod their heads slowly I open the door and walk in luckily the boys let go of my legs or else I would have fell "Oh you're here class please welcome three new students Brick Butch and Boomer L/N" the boys look at they're class mates and wave "Uh....hi" everyone gasps but I noticed three girls giving my boys some dirty looks "The rowdy ruff boys what are you doing here" the red says folding her arms "Yeah aren't you three supposed to be in jail" the black haired girl pretends to roll up get sleeve "You three need to leave you're just gonna cause problems" the blond says sticking out her tounge 'If my boys fight them and win I won't be mad' "Girls you apologize right now you heard what the mayor said they did what they're supposed to do now you three do what you're supposed to do" the girls sigh and float over to the boys and sigh "We're sorry" Keene smiles "Good one more thing the boys was adopted by a good friend of mine and a girl I used to babysitt before I became a teacher meet Y/N L/N" I wave at the class "Good morning kids please take good care of boys and I hope you become friends" the all smile "Yes ma'am" the girls went back to their seat "Okay time to start the day boys you sit at the table right here near the cubbies" the nod their heads and quickly hug my legs and I hug them back "Bye Mama" I smile "Bye boys I'll see you at three" I let them go then walk out the door to my car and go to work I sit at my desk thinking 'I'm gonna be fine it's okay they'll be okay I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool babeh' I look at the picture of me and my boys and feels tears in my eyes "I WANT MY BABIES" I could here my co-workers scream from me yelling

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