Chapter 7

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"Hey Angela "
Liam waved at me and sat down on the seat beside me , following Zayn and Harry, who sat next to me.

Zayn waved at me while Harry just passed me a smirk.

I really kind of hate that boy.

"Hello you boys" I said smiling towards each one of them except Harry whom I gave a smirk in return for a smirk.

Haha , yeah no smile for you Mr.Rude.

Stacey's eyes widened turning towards me and coming closer to my ear she whispered "You know them ?"

"Amm, yeah we met yesterday" I whispered tried to sound genuine.

"We've got to talk about this later girl" She said giving me an eye.

Someone cleared their throat and our heads snapped in the direction of Zayn.

"Done gossiping girls?" Zayn asked with one of his eyebrows raising.

"Uhh yeah" I said giving a forced smile.

Why the hell are they here? I didn't even spill anything about what happened yesterday to Stacey yet. Maybe they are spying on me so that I don't spill them in the future.

Or maybe there's something else.

"I'm Stacey " Stacey introduced herself which earned her pretty smiles from the boys as well as their names.

"Well ..." I started so that anyone could at least tell why they're here.

"We're just here for a casual hangout. " Zayn stated.

"But don't you always sit at 'The Popular table' over there?" Stacey asked pointing her finger towards the table at the middle of the cafeteria.

'The Popular table' is always reserved for the popular kids in school.It mostly includes football team captain and players, tall-handsome guys and hot girls who everyone in the school wants to date,but they're out of the league.

"Yeah we do, but it's annoying .Girls always keep gossiping and guys, well the guys are fine but the girls... they make me want to push them off of my lap whenever they're trying to flirt.They basically drool over every guy they can lay their hands on."Zayn said rolling his eyes.

"Well you guys are always welcome here." Stacey said excitedly and I nodded in approval.

Sitting with the guys can't be that bad.But what about Mr.Rude, he hasn't said a word after he got here. I can feel his gaze on me so I looked up and our eyes met.His green one's were staring at me with an unknown emotion.

"Hey, what are you looking at ?" I asked him flashing a small smile while Stacey, Zayn and Liam were arguing on what tastes better with hot dogs , ketchup or mustard or both.

"No one" He said not breaking eye contact with me.

"Oh, so a girl has no name then"

"I guess"

"I can't deny the fact that you're rude"

"Don't you think I know that already?"

"Yeah you do, and maybe that's why other kids fear you because you don't care"

"Are you afraid of me?"

Was I? Even if I was, I would never say that in front of him. Instead I said with confidence in my eyes,"No, should I be?"

"You have every reason to"

"And what's that?"

"I almost put a gun at you while holding you still"

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