The Blizzard

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3rd person POV:
It was mid December and the regalia broke down in the middle of a forest. Ignis got out of the car, only to be blown heavily by the blizzard. Gladiolus and Prompto soon followed.
"Damn! It's so cold" Prompto complained.
"We will be at the campsite soon, for now just try and endure it," Ignis responded, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Y/N's POV:
"Let's go, (Y/N)," a familiar voice said.
I turned to see him holding out his hand for me. I took his hand, blushing.
"No, stop. (Y/N), you have been friends since high school and he is getting married soon, there is no way he likes you." I thought, and soon my blush faded. Luckily, he was not looking at me. A gush of ice-cold air blew into my face and my mouth let out a small squeal. After he jumped out of the Regalia, he gripped my hand harder to let me down. Releasing our grip, he looked around only to see white.

"Ignis?" He called out.
I looked around myself, but only to find snow.
"Prompto?" I then followed.
"Gladiolus" he was now shouting.
A daemon suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into its ginormous, right hand. It clenched me into its fists and I tried to summon my crossbow, but it did nothing.
"(Y/N)!!!" Noctis shouted out, this time with desperation written all over his face. As I started to suffocate in the daemon's grip, Noctis warp-struck to the daemon's arm.
With one clean cut, he sliced the arm, which brought me to a descent.

Before I hit the ground, a warm yet protective embrace held me. I opened my eyes to see the man whom I've loved for years - ever since we met.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" He shouted among the howls of the blizzard.
"I-I'm fine, thank you," I responded.
He warped far enough away from the daemon to keep it from attacking.

"Noct, you can put me down now," I said, although my pride slightly damaged, I wanted to make it up. The last thing I'd want is to lose my job as the heir's protector.
"No." He responded assertively. "Your leg, it's wounded," he said, while running towards the blue light. I looked down at my leg to see red and black. The cold must've numbed it.
"We're almost at the campsite, just hold on until we get there."

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