三番 () Todoroki X Reader

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I walked into class slowly, staring down every boy in class. I winked and licked my lips. With one hand on my hips I walked over to Midoriya.

"Hey broccoli boy." I winked at him which made him turn pink. I lowered myself to his level, I then traced my finger along his jaw line.
"Mmm, I'd like a bite of that for myself." I smirked, he turned a darker shade of pink.

I then walked over to Bakugou and hovered my hand over his head feeling every little spike of hair. He turned his head to me giving me a raged look.

I then walked over to Todoroki. Todoroki may be a boy I flirt with just like others but, he was the main person I'd flirt with. Because I liked him.

"How's life peppermint boy? Hmm, you look oddly cuter today." I giggled sitting in my seat which was right besides his. He ignored my flirting and had his head faced towards the front.

"That's none of your concern." He then replied.

I then put on a fake pouting face.

"How sad. I just wanted to check up on my future hubby." He groaned lowly under his breath.

"I am not your future 'hubby' Y/N. Get over yourself already." I felt my heart beat stop for a second. If someone knows how to cut through the heart of someone's feelings it would probably be Todoroki.


"Alright, you guys come up with hero names while I sleep, Miss Midnight will be advising them so careful of what you choose." Mr Aizawa said before getting into his yellow sleeping bag and zipping it up.

I grabbed a board and wrote something other than a hero name.
I turned the board to Todoroki.
The board read:

Will you be mine?

At the bottom was blank for his response. He then grabbed the board from me and wrote. After he handed it back to me.


I turned to Todoroki and frowned.

"Aww, why not Todo?" He then slammed his fist against the desk and took a deep breath. He turned to me.

"Look Y/N, I am not going out with someone as childish as you. Second don't call me Todo. Third leave me alone please." With that being said he turned away from me and began talking with Momo.

My heart felt broken at this rate. I turned back to my board and wiped the tears away from the corner of my eyes. 'I should fulfill Todoroki's wish anyways, he never seemed amused of me flirting with him its best to leave him alone' I thought before erasing my board.


For the past couple of days I've been avoiding Todoroki and continuously  flirting with the other boys other than Mineta of course.

I walked over to my desk walking past Todoroki and sitting in my chair. The whole time I kept my mouth shut and had all my attention on the lesson.


After class I walked along Midoriya's side and laughed with him. As we were about to split our separate ways I kissed his cheek and walked away leaving him flustered.

I was walking to the dorm area as I felt a tug on my wrist and pulling me back. I then turned to see Todoroki?

"What do you need Todoroki." I asked backing away from him a little.

"To talk." He scratched his neck.

"Well then, it's not important." I chuckled and turned ready to walk of before he pulled me back towards him.


"What do you want Todoroki!? There's nothing we need to talk about nor do we need to even talk, just leave me alone!" I cried out looking away from him.

"There is."

"No there isn't! If all your going to do is talk about how I am annoying then leave me alone!" I faced the ground, I felt the pressure start forming.

"Your not annoying." He spoke softly which made me stop crying. He then pulled me towards his chest, placing his hands around my waist.

"Todoroki what are-"

"You call me Todo." My eyes widened.

"Todo what are you doing?" I tried pulling away but, he kept me still against him.

"I've been avoiding my feelings for you Y/N. For so long. I just couldn't take anymore of your teasing. What made me more mad was you were flirting with the other boys in our classroom." I stopped trying to pull away.

"And you ignoring me these past days made me upset." He then lifted me up.

"Todo." He took me over to his dorm and set me down in his room closing the door behind him. He then walked over to me and lowered himself to my hight.

"Your mine. Got it."


"I own you Y/N. You belong to me."
Is he making me his girlfriend now??
My face turned pink.

"I need to hear a yes so I have your approval of claiming you." He leaned in closer to my face.

"Yes, Todo." I mumbled. He then grabbed my face and made his lips meet with mine. The kiss was short but, filled with love.

"This means no more flirting with those boys. Promise?"

"No promises." I smirked.

"Y/N." He looked at me concerned.

"Fine." He smiled at me and places a kiss one again on my lips before lifting me up and placing me in bed with him. I still can't keep a promise, flirting is just apart of me.


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