Chapter 3

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Then tsubasa cried..."why are you crying? Are you alright?" Go takumi asked "i just never have seen the world before i wonder if its flat or round? And i want to see the mountains" tsubasa replied " why dont you come with me ill show you everything good in this world" go takumi said "i dont know my parents will get mad" tsubasa replied sadly "dont worry they wont know" go takumi replied confidently..........

Then after onwards tsubasa agreed and Go takumi climbed to the tree  and smash the window slowly and they both get away tsubasa was still nervous but when she saw go takumi very confident so she bacame more prouder to herself and........they go the the the carnival.......and end up in the restaurant they both eat together and chat then go takumi ask "what's your favorite thing about our world?" Go asked

"I don't know... there's a lot!! By the way thanks and.......can you bring me back home to my parents because im sure there worried about me" tsubasa said " alright lets go!!!" Go takumi said

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