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  I woke up and got ready for the day, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, all that. Then I went down stairs for some breakfast. My mom was making pancakes, so the smell of that flooded into my nose.

  "Good morning, sleepy head, how did you sleep?" Mom asked me in a calming voice.

  "Morning, mom. My night was good, you?"

  "Good. Come over here and get some breakfast."

  "Ok." I go over and make myself a plate of pancakes, along with a glass of milk, and sit down at the table across from my mom.

  "Hey Mom? We're you told about anything concerning the crawlspace in the basement?"

  "Yeah, it shouldn't lead anywhere. It was just left there after they closed off that way under the house. Why?"

  "Well I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to do some wandering when I came across it," I said lying threw my teeth.

  "I was curious so I went in it and suddenly I was outside, but also not outside? I'm not sure but there were two people there, they said that their names were Owen and Aisha. They said they were Aremarestians but I've never even heard of that." I explained to my mom hoping that she would understand.

  "Well you must have had a very nice dream based on how you described it." That sentence was almost in slow motion going into my ears.

  "But mom it wasn't a dream! Here come with me, I'll show it to you!" I grabbed her arm about to pull her down to the basement but she quickly pulled her arm away.

  " Are you crazy?! How could there be a secret world in the basement?! If there was then this place would have a science lab built around it and and we wouldn't be living here!" She yelled at me causing me to shrink down out of fear.

  "Go to your room!"

  "Yes mother." I say quietly as I start walking towards the stairs to my room. 

  I look back and see her take a bottle of alcohol out from a cooler sitting next to the couch. In slight shock I hastily make my way to my room and close the door. I soon decide to lock the door, not knowing what my mother is like when she gets drunk and honestly not wanting to find out. 

  Since when does mom drink? Could it be stress from the move? Or maybe I'm bugging her too much? I'm so confused. I think in silence as i slide down the door. I decide that I'll go back to the basement world tonight.

  What was that place called again? I think for a second searching my brain for the memory and soon find it.

  Oh, that's right it's called Aremarestilla, yeah. Okay so I'll go there later, after mom goes to sleep so I don't get caught sneaking into the basement. I set an alarm on my phone for midnight and look at the clock.

 Okay it's only 9:20, so I should get about two and a half hours of sleep before leaving. I stand and look at the door contemplating if I should unlock it before going to bed. I put my ear to the door and hear mom saying curse words to herself, so i decided to leave it locked.

  I walk over to my bed, plug my phone in, turn the lights in the room off, and lay down under my covers. As I try to fall asleep I find myself thinking about last time I went there and begin to wonder if it was all just a dream like my mom had said. Soon I feel my eyes grow heavy as I'm plunged into the darkness of dreamless slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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