In the Village

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She ignored her daughter, still working on her...well something. Cynthia wasn't quite sure what it was that her mother always made.


Still no response.


"What!" Her mother whipped around to look down at her daughter.

Cynthia crossed her legs in a trying-to-get-what-she-wants kind of way, "Can I go see Linzy? She got a new pegasus this weekend and I wanna go play with her! It's a chestnut falcon!"

Her mother pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "Cyn, you can't just bother me while I'm working like this. These things take concentration and I can't have you interrupting me whenever you need something,"

Her 10-year-old brain completely skipped over that conversation and went straight to, "Ok Mama, but can I go?"

Her mother turned around, getting back to her work, "Fine. Make sure you send a spark when you get there. And tell Penvyn that I said hello!" She called over her shoulder as Cynthia ran out the door.

"Ok, thank's Mama bye!" She rushed through her words to get out of her mother workshop faster. She sped through the house, carrying the mud on her bare feet with her. Cynthia slipped out the front door and rushed through town. Linzy lived on the opposite side of the other side of the village, on the richer side. Clearly not rich enough to leave Millernigan, but rich enough to be better than the rest of the village. As Cynthia ran through the village, she said hello to everyone else in town. The sirens down the street, the nine-tailed fox that ran the flower shop. Everyone knew everyone in this little village.

Eventually, she made it to Lindsay's house. She stopped and knocked on the big wooden door.

Cynthia heard crashing from inside and a few shouts - she closed her eyes before a disheveled 

Linzy came to the door. The small gorgon smiled at her friend, "Hi, Thia!" Linzy beamed.

"Κλείστε την πόρτα πίσω από σας!" A voice shouted from inside.

"Θα!" Linzy yelled over her shoulder. She slammed the door behind her, "You can open your eyes I'm wearing the glasses"

So Cynthia did, "Hi Linzy. So, is she out back?"

Linzy nods," Yeah! She's so pretty! She's like..." And in perfect, 10-year-old fashion just repeats the same word as before," so pretty!"

Both girls bounce around for a bit, slowly screeching higher than the other until they finally get around to playing with the pegasus. They spend the rest of the day goofing off and doing whatever they want in their small little village, including stealing mini bundt cakes from the Mrs. Bril's Cake Shoppe and racing Jesse and Tony, a dragon and a nine-tailed fox respectively. When the sun started setting Cynthia's older sister called her home, so the girls said their goodbyes and Cynthia went home, covered in mud and grass stains.

"Cyn, what were you even doing today!" Betty stared in horror at Cynthia's clothes, "You tore your skirt! Threads expensive young lady!"

Cynthia shrugged and walked under her arm into the house.

"And you're dragging in mud!" Her sister continued to freak out over nothing behind her, "While you're washing up go get Mother and Daniel for supper!"

"Ok!" Cynthia dashed through the house, banging on each door not knowing which room he was in. She heard Daniel open the door behind her as she went out back to her mother's workshop. She knocked on the door to the small building and waited for her mother's response.

"Come in,"

She cracked the door open to find her mother hunched over a cauldron, sprinkling dust in the bubbling vat.

"Claire says to clean up for supper," Cynthia walked over to her mom and looked at her mother's workspace. The spellbook was open to a page with what looked like a picture of a dragon.

Her mother looked up from her potion, and waved her hand over it, seeming to freeze it. The bubbling stopped, but not in the traditional sense. They literally froze in their spots. Her mother wiped her hands on her apron.

"Do you know what she's making?" her mother asked while hanging up the apron.

Cynthia shrugged," Probably soup,"

Her mother laughed, "yeah you're probably right," She patted Cynthia on the head and walked out the door.

Cynthia crept up to her mother's spell book and stood on her toes to flip through the book.

"Cynthia!" Her mother called.

She dropped the book in surprise, and left, not bothering to return the book to its rightful page, "Coming!"

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