Stoney Days

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"Hello?" Cynthia walked through the village. Dark clouds gathered above her head, rumbles and crackled loudly all around her.


There was no answer.

She shuddered as she walked between houses, looking for literally anyone around.

Cynthia ended up at Linzy's door and with nothing else to do, she knocked.  The door opened inward when she knocked. 

"Linzy?" She walked into the house, stepping over the mess that covered the floor. She walked up the stairs and into Linzy's room.  

She was sitting on her bed with a cup in her hand.

"Linzy! Thank god your ok! Where is everyone? I can't find my mom or-"

Linzy didn't look over to her friend

Cynthia went over to her friend to touch her shoulder. But that was not her friend that she touched.

Lightning flashed, lighting up the cold grey chiseled face of what was once her friend.

Her eyes shot open, and she screamed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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