Chapter One: Welcome to Magic Shop

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I feel lost without your white keys guiding me

Across your endless monochrome sea.

Colors that seem so dull to others

Come alive in my mind.

You're stashed away in my Magic Shop.

A special place I've given few access to.

A place where you and I are safe.

A place where our family can spend their days.

My Magic Shop is where we're all together.

A place where we play piano forever.

What are you looking for?

You'll find everything here.

Looking for sheet music?

You'll find some over there.

Don't be afraid, you have nothing to fear.

You'll never be hurt, you're something too dear.

You're our pretty doll on a string

With beauty that is everlasting.

Release your mind to Magic Shop.

Let your body be buried in the clouds.

Did I say that out loud?

I suppose it's too late now.

No, you won't be dead.

You'll make it to heaven, I'm sure.

Forget everything I said.

Get it out of your head.

Go to your piano room where you're safe.

Go to your piano room and play.

Play. Play.

Will you play the game?





The rain beat heavily on the concrete as Yoongi made his way home. At least, what he called home. His rundown apartment was all he could afford at the moment. He stopped walking and looked up, water pounding on his face. He sighed and continued walking.

Where did the good days go? I sure do miss those guys.

Referring to his high school days, Yoongi got lost in thought. His little friend group of 6 other boys had to split up when they graduated. Namjoon moved to America to teach Korean, Seokjin went to culinary school, Jimin went to an arts school to dance with Hoseok and Jungkook, and Taehyung became an artist. Yoongi, however, wanted to become a rapper. He wanted to play his piano without a care in the world. He wanted to rap his feelings out and help people with his music. He didn't care how famous he became, as long as he got to do what he loved. He currently worked for a new company called BigHit, but things always start slow when you're new to the music industry. He sighed and decided to take a shortcut to his apartment. The rain started to lighten up but it was still freezing. He pulled his light pink sweater closer to his body.

I should've brought an umbrella, but noooooooooo.

He buried his face in the white scarf he wore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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