AN Before Update

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Hey guys!!!!! 

Its Cate. I'm in class right now, its one of my least favorite classes. So im going to update really quick before i have my next class and then volleyball. 

So really quick funny story. I'm sitting in class and my friend was trying to find something new to read. So I told her to read mine because it has a lot of reads, and I thought eh why not. So she gets to our first dirty imagine/request and her face looked priceless. She is now making fun of me and saying that my our English teacher wouldn't approve.

So on that note we (Alessia and I) are going to stop doing dirty preferences/requests for now. We will still be doing the requests that have already been made, but if you want a dirty one it will be a while until its posted. Or we wont make it dirty, or we will make it sweet. We still will do dirty ones, just not as often. 



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