1. London

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I'm Lexi Cole. I am 16 years old and I'm from California. A few weeks ago I moved to London with my friends: Sienna, Macie and Maddy. We are all 16 now. We were best friend since last year and we all wanted to go to college in London. We came here 3 weeks ago and we have a little appartment. It's pretty small, we have 2 bedrooms. I share my room with Macie, and Sienna with Maddy. 

I have three younger siblings: Max (7 years old), Amy & Lola (twins 5 years old).

I had a terrible childhood, I never had friends and I got bullied. People called me ugly.. fat.. stupid.. Three years ago I stopped eating and I lost weight. I even started cutting myself. I wanted to kill myself. One year ago we moved to Bakersfield. I went to school there and I met Sienna, Macie and Maddy. They have been friends since kindergarten. 

Only they knew I was cutting myself and stopped eating. Or that I wanted to kill myself. They were always there for me. I started eating more and I didn't want to kill myself anymore. But I still cut myself sometimes, when I think of what the people said to me, ugly.. fat.. stupid.. My parents never had much time for me. They were always with my younger siblings. They didn't even notice how I felt.. But I love them. When my siblings were outside, or sleeping. They always talked to me and I really love them. They just don't have much time for me.

"Lexi, what do you want to eat?!" Maddy asked.

"I'm not hungry, and I'm really tired I just want to go to bed." I answered.

Maddy walked over to me and grabbed my wrists. "I know you stopped eating, but you really need to eat something. I'll get you some-"

"No, it's okay, I really don't need something."

Maddy looked me in the eyes "Lexi, what's wrong? I know there is something wrong.. Please talk to me. I can help you!"

I sighed "I just miss my parents.. and I'm just really lucky to have you as my friend. You always helped me. Without you I would still be bullied.. I probably would have killed myself.." I hugged Maddy "Thank you so much."

"It's okay I miss my parents too but you still need to eat something. It's allright."

She walked over to the frige and got something to eat for me, and she gave it to me. 

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Well we have shool tomorrow so I'm gonna do my homework.." Maddy sighed.

I heard the door slam and saw Sienna and Macie giggling.

"Hi!!" Macie said.

Sienna walked over to me. "Can I have a slice of your pizza?" Sienna said.

"Yea of course." I gave Sienna a slice of my pizza. 

"Well Macie met a really hot guy and he goes to the same school, his name is Jack." Sienna said.

Macie giggled "Yea he is really cute, he is 17 and we're going on a date tomorrow! But I'm really tired so I'm going to bed."

"Yea me too, goodnight." Sienna said. They walked to their bedrooms.

I opened my lapton on the kitchen table. I looked at some old pictures on my laptop. I was so lonely.. I never had friends. I saw some pictures when I was 12. People called me fat.. I stopped eating. I saw a picture of Sienna and I when I was 15 years old. I was thin.. I always wore a lot of wristbands. To cover up my scars. I still wear them. 

I looked down at my scars. My eyes tearing up. All these memories.. I closed my laptop and walked over to the kitchen. I got a knive and started cutting in my wrist. I'm ugly, fat, stupid and I don't deserve these firends. I thought. It started bleeding. I bit my lip and started crying. It hurts a lot, but it doesn't hurt as much as being bullied does. That hurst so bad, people saying you are ugly fat and stupid.. 

I looked at my wrist and it was all bleeding.. I put the knive down and cried in silence.

"Lexi, you should go to bed now! We have school tomorrow!" Macie yelled from our bedroom.

I took a breath "Okay, I'll go to bed now." I said.

I tried to clean up all the blood, and cover it up with my wristbands and went to my bedroom. Macie was in the bathroom. I quickly walked over to my bed and changed my clothes and got in my bed. Macie walked into the room.

"Goodnight." She whispered.

"Night" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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