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"I love you"

"No you don't"

"I do—"

"If you do, then why did you leave? I needed you! We needed you!"

"I'm sorry, Shamae. I'm so sorry"

"Your sorry can't take him back!"

"I know, I know but please can you give me a chance?"

"I already did but you blew it"

"Shamae.. "

"Leave now, Lance"

"Please, Shamae!" He kneeled.

"Get up!"

"I love you Shamae, truly and hopelessly. I have love you all my life. I am nothing with you. I'm sorry for leaving you. I know you needed me that time but... I'm sorry. I'm sorry we lost—"


"Shamae.. "

"Get up then leave"

"Shamae, please, baby.. I can't.. I can't live without you, please.. Your all I have.. Please.. Don't do this to me.."

One thousand nine heard thirty five days later


"Hey! What are you doing here? I thought you had work?"

"Well.. Looks like something came up. Are you done preparing? Let's go?"

"Your coming with me?"

"Yeah, since I don't have anything better to do anyways"


"I'll carry that"

"Thanks but I'm okay"

"No just—"

"I said It's okay! I can manage!"


"I'm sorry.. It's just.."

"Yeah, I know it's that time of month"

"I'm sorry.. "

"Yo, stop! I understand"

"Th-thanks.. F-for understanding and.. and staying even though I can't reciprocate your feelings"

"I get it, you made it clear in the beginning that you're in love with someone else"

"That, I'm not sorry"

"Wahh, so mean. Damn can nobody really replace him? You really love him don't you? Was he that great?"

"I love him truly and hopelessly. He's the greatest"

"Now, now don't cry. We're almost there."

"Sorry, I can't help it"

"Well, smile I'm sure your Lance wouldn't be happy to see you crying"

"We're here"

"You're not gonna come?"

"No, he'll probably be mad to see me with you and it's kinda feels wrong since I still like you"

"Jeremy... Your his best friend"


"Don't glare at me like that. Go now. I think it's gonna rain"

"Thank you"

I sat down the pavement and touch your tomb. I imagined that it was you.

"How are you Lance? Did you get to see our little one? I hope you guys are together. Baby, I know I wasn't a great mother. I couldn't even take care of myself that's why I.. I.. Did that.. I am so sorry baby... Mommy was scared. Mommy didn't know what to do..."

I cold wind pass over me.

"Lance? Is that you? Lance.. Baby... All of this is my fault... I'm sorry for not listening.. I didn't know... I didn't know you we're dying.. I didn't know that you left to be treated... If I just waited for you.. We all could have been together... If I just listened.. you.. You wouldn't have killed yourself.. Your so stupid! Dying after just being treated from dying!.. But I.. Lance I love you too, truly and hopelessly... I should have said that when you were alive.. I know it's late but wait for me Lance... Baby... I.. I don't want to be alone any more... I think I've suffered enough.. I'll see you guys there"

Then the rain started to pour.

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