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Sam arrives at the motel a little before ten, and by that time Cas has nearly worn a hole in the carpet he has been pacing so long. Cas had left the motel shortly after he had hung up on Sam, and checked out the bar only to belatedly realize it was shut. He had cursed thought about breaking in, before deciding waiting for Sam might be a better option. Still, Cas looks startled when Sam shoulders open the door and nearly barrels into him.

‘Sam,’ he greets, and he pockets his phone and the keys to the Impala. 

‘I half expected you to go without me,’ Sam says with a grin and, Cas manages a small smile back despite the guilt and nerves eating at his stomach. Sam looks around the room in that cautious hunter way that he has developed over the years. 

Cas grabs his jacket from the back of a chair, pulling it on as he leads the way back out of the motel room. ‘We have to find Dean.’

‘Where do you want to start?’ Sam asks, closing the motel door behind him and following Cas over to the Impala. ‘The bar…?’

‘The bar doesn’t open until noon, remember? And…I already double-checked.’ Cas stops in his tracks, twirls the Impala’s keys around his finger before he looks back over at Sam. ‘The waitress you spoke to yesterday,’ he says. ‘Was she supposed to be working last night?’

‘Yeah, she does nine ‘til midnight every night,’ Sam says, and then sucks in a breath as he takes in what he’s said. ‘She might have seen Dean.’

‘Let’s go,’ Cas says and he pulls open the driver’s door of the Impala and slides into the seat. He has the car started and reversing before Sam even has the passenger door shut. 

* * *

Dean passes out long enough to wake up and find himself tied to a bed this time around. He is, thankfully, still fully clothed, and he lets out a sigh of relief. Whatever drug had been in the water is slowly wearing off, Dean’s strength returning, and he jerks his hands against the binds, trying to wriggle free. 

He would have to break his thumbs, though, to break the knots, and even then he isn’t convinced he would get free. 

Dean hears the click, click, click of high heels again and the echoing isn’t the same. They are in some other part of the building. He pulls once more on the ropes for good measure but stills when it is just as fruitless as the previous attempt, and he waits for the inevitable. 

He’s scared now. Actually scared, and Dean can’t remember the last time he was afraid of something that wasn’t commitment-related. This scares the crap out of him, though. He 


 he’s screwed, and he’s never in his life prayed so damn hard that Sam and Cas will bust down the door and save his ass. Gone are the days of thinking the pair of them fret over him too much; right now, he needs them. 

His palms are sweating, his heart rate is double what it normally is and his breathing is panicked. His eyes flicker around the room as though hoping to find an out, a reprieve but there’s nothing besides the bed. 

It’s Christa who comes to stand in the doorway, not Chris, and she has changed clothes since the last time he saw her. There was a time where women in sexy lingerie would stop him in his tracks and have him gladly dropping his pants. Now, he wants the hell out of here. He wants the safety of home, and he should be thinking of Lisa, that was the last person he was with, after all. But that’s not the first person he thinks of, not the person he has wanted for years but thought he could never have. He wants Cas.

There’s no denying it now. He buried those thoughts and feelings for too long, too cowardly to accept that he’d fallen for someone, 


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