Monday 10:23

26 2 0

We finally landed in Paris. I'm looking for my suitcase. 

"Sarah," Ethan shouts from the other side of the carousel. He walks to me with my suitcase in his hand. "Thank you," I smile. "Have you seen Jayden?" I ask him while I look around.
"No, I'm sorry," he answers. "By the way, did you sleep well?"
I nod, "But I'm still tired." I lay my head on his shoulder. Then I get poked in my side, who would that be? Sarcastically.

"Hey," Jayden whispers in my ear. I pull my head back, "You are so annoying."
A teacher comes and stands with us and asks with a big smile on his face, "Feel like it?" Suddenly there's a painful silence. I never really liked the teachers at our school. The only thing that matters to them is that you are present and that you take the tests. Whether you are making progress, how you are doing personally, doesn't matter to them. Until something serious happens...
"I think we are going to have the best school week of our life," Jayden says with a smile on his face attempting to break the silence. The teacher nods and walks to another group.
"I heard that we have till twelve o'clock to get some rest because of the jetlag," Jayden says.
"Good," I say and drop my head on his chest.

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