Twenty Two

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book three:

mollie's notes:

Title: Betrayed by Finn Wolfhard

In this book Finn is a part of the secret organisation Y/n's mom and dad are a part of but the readers don't know that it's Y/n's dad's organisation cause they don't meet him yet. Just Y/n's mom.

Y/n's mom was held as a hostage for a little bit but since things didn't go to plan she's no longer a hostage as Y/n is locked up.

The staring chapter starts with Y/n waking up as she locked away. Finn is in the room. Y/n starts yelling at him and he tries to calm her down. Deep down Finn does care about her and he regrets bringing her here but he doesn't show that at all. Not yet.

Y/n feels completely betrayed by him and hates his guts. He leaves and some stuff happens. This chapter is in his pov because it's easier.

Y/n is locked up for most of this book so most of it will follow Finn and the readers will get to know a lot more about the organisation.

A few months kater however, (maybe around chapter 15 or something if I can keep things interesting for that long if not do this earlier on in the book). Finn goes into the room and lets Y/n free. He runs away and makes it look like he wasn't the one that set her free. (thsi is his caring moment, he's still a piece of shit for betraying her in the first place).

Some stuff happens but Y/n manages to escape.

We find out that Jack Anderson was adopted by Y/n's dad just so he could be his mini assassin. Guess that's why he calls him dad.

Think of more things for in between before you get to the end...

The ending goes as follows:

We find out in this story that Eric was apart of an organisation that had been tracking down  Y/n's dad for a while. He knew the guy in the black car was Y/n's dad and that's why he was very protective of Y/n. He knew all of her dad's plans (just not that her real mom was a part of it. He never knew the girl he had a baby with in college had a twin sister).

There's gonna be a huge battle at the end of this book to end the trilogy with a bang. Basically Eric's organisation shows up as Y/n's dad and his organisation had her cornered.

Y/n wasn't a part of Eric's organisation but she was given a gun anyway to help fight. Finn was still on the side of Y/n's dad because he couldn't leave without being released from the contract.

So there's a huge gun fight... Yeah that happens. Go into detail with this? Maybe.
A lot of people die, duh.

Oh yeah, Y/n knows that the guy in charge of the bad organisation is her dad and that her mom was also with him. She didn't trust anyone. Espeicslly after Finn knocked her out.

Y/n's dad starts loosing too many men. He gets frustrated and cocks his pistol he had in his jacket pocket.

Y/n's dad: "This is getting ridiculous."
Eric: "Then stand down we don't want to hurt anymore men."
Y/n's: "No."

Y/n's dad shoots Finn. Oh geez, my readers are really going to hate me for that.

Y/n screams and starts crying waterfalls out her eyes. She loved him. Finn actually loved her (Yikes. They really are going to hate me when they find out they both loved each other.)



Just a short epilogue to end the entire trilogy.

Y/n's at a graveyard. Standing in front of Finn's grave stone actually. After Y/n's dad shot Finn. Eric went on an rampage and shot everyone including Y/n's parents. There was no left of the organisation. Victory yay!

In the epilogue Y/n places a flower down on Finn's grave. It's like a year later.

"One year later and I still love you, idiot." She says to the gravestone with tears in her eyes.

To end the epilogue she grabs hold of someone's arm, Jack Grazer's, her twin brother and they both walk off.

After everything that happened, Jack's adoptive parents were killed in the organisation. He wasn't part of the fight because he had drug business to attend to in another state so was out of town.

Eric adopted both Y/n and Jack and they've all been quite happy together, as a family.


Sort this end/epilogue out if you can ^ Add more ideas when you get them.

maya speaks:

that's all the notes i had from mollie. i'm bias but it sounded like a good trilogy. i hope this was ok. i'm glad i could give you mollie's notes. even if i did lose some.
i won't be returning to mollie's profile anymore. but let her memory live on through this.

thanks for being great supporters of mollie's and great people. i hope she's smiling down from heaven and is proud that i was able to give her readers at least something about the story and the way it ends.

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