^Remember Me?

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*Eve POV-

If you would have told me I would be eating dog food, drinking a beer that's been out of several days.

I would Laugh at you, just right in you face. Asked how much you would be paying me. Then for more of a challenge ask you to kindly get the funk out of my face.

But, here I am.

Sitting at my base doing just that. 

I'm on this old blanket, even your grandmother would even question why you would have or just throw away in secret because she's nice like that.

Even so...this is home.

A lonely home full of soft and bright ... of movements and silence breaths. Being good small confinement fit for one person, it really has my vote...but not really a vibe. Shaking my head and taking a sip of the flat and warm beer.

Trying not to get to upset.
forcing myself to smile, taking deep breathes and trying to see the bright side.

This is home.... you're ok.

At least for now it's only temporarily .

I looked at the old clock on the side table. I found it two days ago happy that it still worked. Even more happy that the table matched with it. Even if it was bright neon purple. I deeply love it. I still stared at it letting my mind drift.

I found myself staring at the time.
Seeing that it's 1am. Trying to turn back time, because now... isn't where I wanted to be.

I miss hearing my family from yelling at me to leave the house to them wanting me to get some friends....hell even, a boyfriend at my age. I silently laugh.

Shifting in my chair feeling it poke me. I frown.

I miss my little brother telling me that I can't beat him in any contest we came up with at the time. I even remember the time he said I was like a mother to him. Unlike our own who stopped after dad lefted.

The one thing I missed the most with all my heart was cooking home-cooked meals with my mother. Even if she wasn't the most loving woman or anything like a mother. She still had one thing going for her. She still was an amazing cook.

My eyes get blurry, putting my hand up to my face I feel my tears on my cheeks. No....."no" I wimpered  I can't get like that I have to woman up. Be strong.

I shake my head and drink the great of the beer. The end bits lefted. "I'm really going to die alone?, Aren't I" I whispered to myself. After years of my brother telling me that all the time. It really is going to happen. I felt more tears fall. "I guess even when he's not here. After being here without him. My small smart boy." Getting frustrated.


I slammed the empty beer can down and got up from the makeshift chair. it's falling apart. I still need to get one from somewhere. It hurts my back. Putting my head in my hands taking a deep breath trying to calm down. Getting myself back together. I turn around walking to my bed. That sits right next to the window. It's on the floor and has little padding but I get right into it. Shoes and all.

I'll wake up early. I won't have time to change. I'll have to Find some food again because dog food isn't it chef Also, brush my teeth. Damn it That reminds me I have to get toothpaste too. I signed. I look up to see the moon. Smiling softly seeing some stars shining.

"It's a new month now", I take the maker off the window stand making a tally "well I guess that makes it six months still haven't found a person." I still have little hope. Deep down

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