Okay, talk to me.

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I feel HORRIBLE. I haven't stayed loyal to a fanfic in soooooooo long. I wish I could give you guys another update for this one but I haven't even thought about Hetalia in about a year. I did the impossible. I somehow managed to escape Hetalia's hellish grip.

So, please comment. I want to know. If I wrote South Park fanfics, would anyone read them? I have a good feeling about this fandom. I'd be willing to give another soulmate AU a try.

I think the reason why my fanfics never last is because I just don't feel very confident in my writing. I don't get a lot of feedback and that just feeds to my anxiety that my writing hasn't improved at all since my first fanfic and only a few people actually like it.

So like, I'll be sitting her nursing my stupid aching body and waiting to see if anyone replies. I love you guys who actually read my updates and those who give feedback. (ó‿ò)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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