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Three months later, Angel was waiting outside in the slightly warm yet still cold night air for Calum. Calum would be coming home from tour and Angel missed the hell out of him. Calum had a few choice words for Angel when he got out of the Uber and into the house. Though he didn't even see Angel sitting on the porch swing when he got there. Angel got up at went after him.

"Baby Cal!" Angel squealed as she ran up to him.


"Oh no, what's wrong you never call me Angel anymore?"

"Ugh, mommy, I'm tired and in a mood," Calum said as he headed up to the bedroom.

Angel followed Calum up to the bedroom and walked over to him. She wanted to know what was wrong but didn't ask because she didn't want him to snap at her. Calum stripped down to his boxer briefs and laid in bed. Angel laid beside him in her sports bra and sweats. Calum was too moody to even look at Angel but she pulled him close and his mood seemed to change a little.

"Angel, tell me, am I still your baby Cal?"

"Yes, very much so! Why would you think otherwise?" Angel sighed as she got Calum to turn over and face her.

"Michael and Luke showed me some stuff they saw on Twitter and Instagram and I don't know what to believe anymore."

"I am telling you straight from the horse's mouth that whatever you all saw was most likely a lie or some shit from my TV show. Listen, Cal, you mean so much to me and if you keep questioning that, I think we might have a problem."

"What about this?" Calum spoke with shaky hands as he pulled up a photo Luke sent him the other night of Angel and that Devon guy in a random club mid-dance.

Angel's eye went wide with fear and embarrassment. TMZ were sneaky bastards and that was the main reason she hated them. That dance she doesn't remember but that club she sure does. Running into Devon at the club she remembered that too but anything after her fifth double shot was a blur. An explanation was needed but she couldn't give him one. Not one she would remember was true or not.

Calum showed Angel another photo from that night and she almost died in shock. She was sitting on Devon's lap on some random couch laughing. And then the last one killed her. She was straddling Devon while he kissed between her cleavage and his hands on her ass and her hands in his hair. This is something Angel would never in a million years do but here is the proof that she did it.

"Stop being silent Angel. Explain to me why you basically cheated on me with that creep."

"I went to the club to have a nice night by myself and I ran into Devon there. I started drinking double shots and after a while, I lost the ability to think straight," Angel says through tears that began to fall.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you did things with Devon. Did you leave with him?"

"I can't remember, by the time I was with Devon I had to have had four, five or six double shots. You know what Jagermeister does to me."

"But you still did things with that man. Drunk or not that's not something you can just forgive and forget," Calum says sadly as he sits up in bed.

Calum texts Ashton to come over and Ashton replies that he would be there soon. Calum was not about to stay there tonight, not now that he knew he really was losing Angel. His mommy was no longer his and he was no longer hers. Calum let a couple of tears fall from his eyes before getting off the bed and getting dressed again. This was all supposed to be talked about in the morning but instead, it happened tonight.

Once Calum had all his things, he picked up his luggage he came home with and headed downstairs with Angel right behind him. This wasn't happening, though it actually was and Angel could only blame herself which hurt.

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