Chapter 7 (ready to go)

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Laura:*finishes unpacking and goes on skype,gets invited to a chat with a random person,answers for fun*

Hotguy96:Hey Laura

ChipotleLover96:Who is this??


ChipotleLover96:Please leave me alone😭

Hotguy96:Nope,Your a f**king loser


ChipotleLover96 has reported you.

Laura:*slams her computer shut and starts walking around her room sobbing,sits in the corner and cries her eyes out*I HATE MY LIFE!! *throws a picture she had of her and Ross at the wall*

Rydel:*runs in,runs to laura and hugs her* what happened

Laura:read the skype chat with me as Ross!!

rydel:*reads it*oh my gosh...

Laura:*wipes tears* Why would he say that to me?..

Rydel:Cause he's a jerk..we are gonna go get ice cream..want to come?

Laura:can u just bring me back some?

Rydel:of course *sighs and walks doenstairs*

They all leave

Laura:*goes to the bathroom,grabs her box of pills,takes 5 of them*

With the lynches

They all walk through the door laughing

Rydel:I'm gonna get laura to eat her ice cream *grabs the ice cream and walks upstairs* Laura!!! laura? *looks all over the house* LAURA?!?! *goes into the bathroom*

The other lynches hear a glass break upstairs

Rydel:SOMEONE CALL 911!!!!*crying and screaming* laura tried to commit suicide!

They cal an ambulance and they bring her to the hospital

Laura:*wakes up a little bit after she is put in the bed in the hospital *my head..

Rydel:You have a bump from when you passed out,you took 5 pills..I've been crying all day,so has rocky ratliff riker rocky and our parents..*hugs laura* please don't scare us like that

Laura:*notices that she looks like she has been balling her eyes out* I'm sorry *looks down* what Ross said really got to me...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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