warning !1!1!1!

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note / warning / whatever you call it : ok so thank you for clicking on the 'read' button, honestly idk how y'all made it here like i expected you to leave as soon as you read the description but ok. now, before you start reading and kill 234 braincells of yours in the first chapter itself, i'd like to make myself clear about a few things :

1. this story is based purely off imagination and i am certainly not claiming any of this has happened irl (idk how to write a fucking disclaimer sorry !) so yeah this story is a fan-fiction any resemblance to any event that has happened irl is purely coincidental (i swear !).

2. this story is gonna be vvvv cliché so if you don't like books that are cliché id suggest you to leave right now because i don't want you blocking me after the first chapter.

3. do not copy or reproduce any part of this shitty ass book in any way thank you. idk why you would do that but if you do elom would twerk on your face at 2am when you are sleeping, sorry i don't make the rules. but for real, i'll hunt you down if i see you doing it.

4. that's all i guess i'll add more if i remember lol. bye. also don't forget to vote, comment and share ok because if this book flops i'll cry a river.

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