Undressing fiasco

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I watch her, looking at everything so excitedly like she has never seen things like them before.
She wasn't like any other pet I've had, she was different.

"You like it?"

She looks up from the glass swan and then puts it back down.


I smirk and continue watching her until I am interrupted by Anne.

"Sir, her room is ready."

I look at Alison to see her eyes widened.

"You wanna go and see it?"

She sighs.

"I guess so, but if it's a sex dungeon with a cage in the corner I will break your fucking neck!"

I laugh and watch that juicy ass of hers make its way up the stairs.

Anne opens her door and watching Alison's face was all worth the cost.

I lean against the door frame with a smile on my face.

"Dinner will be in 10 minutes."

"Thank you Anne."

I hear her heels clicking as she walked away leaving me and Alison in peace.

Her face goes from pleased to angry very quickly.

She sighs and throws herself on the bed.

"I wouldn't get too comfy love, dinner is in 10 minutes."

"Fuck off!"

I take a few steps towards her and watch her wipe away her tears.

"What's wrong Hermoso?"

She turns to face me

"You really don't know? Get out of here You Spanish talking blood sucking vampire!"

Before I could calm myself down my fist goes through the wall next to her bed.

"Dinner will be in five minutes I expect you changed and presentable by then!"

I walk out of the room and make my way to my office.

I open my laptop and play Alison bedroom Camera.

I watch her stare at the whole in the wall.
I watch her shiny Ombré hair move when she stomps around the room.
I watch the dirty things I want to do to her in my head fade away when Lucy walks in.

I turn on the mic and listen to the conversation.

"Get the fuck out of here! No! Don't touch me!"

I watch Lucy try to calm her down and I watch Lucy try to dress her in something presentable.

"I said don't touch me!"

Alison punches Lucy in the nose and I watch Lucy stumble back a few steps.

I close my laptop and make my way to her room once again.

"Lucy, please go to the nurse."

She scurries out of the room leaving me with the she hulk.

"Don't you even think about trying to undress me as well!"

"No love, what I need is for you to come downstairs."

She shakes her head and sits on her bed.

"I know your hungry Ali, please come and eat."

She storms past me and I can't help but laugh at her childish behaviour.

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